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I step out of the elevator on my office's floor. Today will probably be the last day I'll be working here a full day. From tomorrow I have to suffer through seeing Kristian every single fucking day for five years, even at work.

I wring my free hand's fingers, trying to shake off the disgusting feeling of his hands on me. I resist the urge to wipe my mouth for the hundredth time since I left Judy Corp's building.

Just as my office's door comes into view, Erika anxiously hurries to me, her heels clicking loudly on the marble floor.

I bite back a groan and slow down my pace, arching an eyebrow at her.

"Ma'am, Mr. Johnson is waiting for you in the room and he does not look like he's in a good mood."

I halt, my eyes widening as she stops in front of me.

"Junior or Senior?"

She offers a timid smile. "Your friend ma'am. Junior."

Just what I needed to complete my shitty day. Fan-fucking-tastic.

I grip my clutch handle tighter and curtly nod at her. "It's alright, thank you for informing me." I walk around her and trot to my room.

For a moment, my hand hovers over the door handle as I draw deep breaths and clear my head.

Plastering a smile, I straighten myself and push my shoulders back. Without wasting another beat, I open the door to face the second complication of the day.

"Nathan," I greet him with fake enthusiasm.

He's pacing up and down the room like an angry lion ready to hunt. I pay his glowering mood no heed and saunter to my desk.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here," I add once he says nothing.

I place my bag on the desk and meet his fuming form.

Well, not so much pleasant. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" I cross my arms in front of my chest.

Nathan loosens his tie from around his collar, setting his steely blue eyes on me. His mouth is pressed into a thin line as he scowls, "As if you already don't know."

"I gotta admit, mind reading as much as fun and badass it sounds, it's not in the long list of things I'm able to do. Now it might come off as a shocker, but hey, what can I say? Not every cool thing is cool because I'm able to do it." I smile at him, raising a shoulder.

"This is all fun for you?" he booms. Pointing his finger at the floor, he rages on, "You're playing games with us?"

"Us, as in?" I tilt my head and arch an eyebrow.

He slams his palm on my desk and I roll my eyes, shifting my weight from one foot to another, ignoring how the heels feel like they're piercing through my feet.

His neck flushes red as he leans over the desk. "Why the fuck are you doing this?" he bellows, his neck turning corded. "How can you go around and officially announce you're going to get engaged to that asshole?"

"I did no such thing," I calmly reply, holding his glare.

"Oh, yeah?" He stumbles a step backward and waves his hand at the door. "Then who the fuck is going around and spreading this rumor?"

I shrug. "Don't know, don't care."

"How can you?" He pounds his hand on his chest. "How can you throw away these four years?"

"I haven't thrown away anything."

"But you've agreed to marry that bastard!" he yells.

I scratch my forehead and push my hair behind my shoulder before steepling my hands. "Listen, Nathan," I start, but don't get the chance to continue as his gaze drops to my left hand. Exactly where the gigantic ring is on my finger.

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