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Lounging on my plush beige couch with my legs stretched and locked at my ankles, I take a sip of my wine and gaze out of the glass wall across from me. Over the past years, from choosing my initial office, back in my company, to settling with this apartment as my house, I've been drawn to huge windows. Preferably glass walls. The wider, the better.

It reminds me of Spencer, like a small part of him will always and forever be everywhere with me, with no one ever knowing.

I check my phone again, and he has read the message with my place's location. It's been five minutes since I spoke to him on the phone. If he has seen the text, he has to be on his way, right?

Even though he said no, something in his voice ticked off my sixth sense he was lying... perhaps for his own sake.

After all, I made my voice sound seductive just to piss him off... and get a reaction out of him.

I sip my wine again and smile to myself, regardless of my jittery nerves. The roads are empty. He has to reach here in about twenty minutes. Our buildings are not that far away from each other... if he hasn't moved from his flat, the one I've been to.

My mind wanders back to his place. It was the first place I ever kissed him, and the first place he ever made me have one of my best orgasms on his kitchen counter. Then the night he finally gave in and we got it on... and the night of my birthday.

A shaky sigh slips from my lips. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, trying not to think Julia now sleeps on that same bed he made love to me. I snap my eyes open, refusing to allow my brain to venture any further because I'll lose my mind.

With the dimmed lights, and the two serving girls keeping my place tidy on the break for the night, I'm half tempted to light up candles just to taunt him. But I don't want to look stupid, like he's really important to me and I'd spend that much time and effort just for his arrival.

What if he doesn't show up, though?

I shake my head and straighten myself, sipping my wine again.

No. He will. He has to.

Anxiously, I glance at the entrance door, behind the couch, across the living room, as though he'll magically appear and walk through that door.

Playing around with Spencer is a dangerous game. After he fucked me last night, my emotions have been all over the place. I cannot risk jeopardizing my chances of bringing down Benjamin just because my heart skips a beat when I see Spencer.

I down my drink and place the glass on the coffee table before getting to my feet and pacing up and down the hall.

He'll come. I know he will. He won't choose Julia over me... he can't do that. Spencer still wants me, if he didn't, he never would have given in. He even kissed me today. Oh God, that kiss.

I push my hand through my hair and run my palms over my mini dress barely reaching my midthigh. Every few seconds I glance at the door, waiting for the doorbell to ring or the lobby guy to call me and inform me Spencer is here.

My nerves are jittery and slowly, I can't help but wonder, what if he won't show up?

He was the one who left me and didn't look back after all.

My fingers fidget like crazy, and my heart keeps drumming. I continue walking up and down before the glass wall.

Julia is nice, feeling such strong resentment towards her fills me up with guilt, but I can't stop myself. I really can't stand to see her with Spencer, especially after the way he kissed me today.

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