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~ 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 ~

"Gracie, hurry up, we'll be late again," Spencer groans, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

"Just a sec," I shout over my shoulder and draw the lipstick one last time on my bottom lip, fluffing up my curled hair as I survey my reflection in the vanity table's mirror.

Satisfied with my appearance, I jump to my feet and hurry to Spencer, grabbing my bag along the way and slinging it over my shoulder.

I flash him a grin. "How do I look?"

"Five minutes late," he mutters, though his gaze roves from my head to toe and the corner of his mouth twitches to a satisfied smile.

I lock my arm with his, and we walk out of the hotel suite, making our way straight to the elevator.

The past two months have been hectic, even though I decided not to get back at Julia and Nathan for spreading all those rumors about us—primarily for Spencer and I's peace of mind.

Being rich is turning into a literal pain in the ass.

One thing I never took seriously, or even consider, was the amount of workload breaking loose on me once I went back to work as the CEO of both Stewart Inc and MK industry.

I might complain from time to time, but it's great. I'm happy. So are Mom and Mason.

Some nights I have to stay well past the typical working hours, meaning less time with Spencer in those days. I hate those nights, so does he, but it's my work and responsibility, we've learned to make our peace with it.

We walk out of the hotel's building and set down the paved sidewalk, with our hands locked.

It was his idea to go on a vacation. Spencer said it was more for me to relax and take a break from the work pressure, but I think he just wanted to spend more time with me.

Either way, I'm perfectly fine with spending four more days in Amsterdam with him.

The city is beautiful, with its architecture and tourist attractions. From visiting Anne Frank House to every museum dotted around the city, they all were great.

Everything seems better when Spencer's with me, so my judgment on good and bad is slightly biased, but who cares?

We make our way to the canals for a boat ride, something we've been meaning to do for the past three days but failing.

"Savannah and I were thinking about going to Milan for a shopping spree weekend in about two weeks," I tell him, glancing at him briefly before enjoying the orange and yellow hues the sun is casting on the buildings.

"Does it mean I'm not invited?" he asks, raising an eyebrow and feigning offense.

"Yes." I grin up at him.

He rolls his eyes playfully. "Do you see me leaving you behind and going anywhere without you for an entire weekend?"

I giggle as he pulls me to himself, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Well, no one's stopping you." A soft wind blows past us, and chills run down my spine. Pressing myself closer to Spencer to take advantage of his warmth, I add, "And I'm going with your sister, so there's nothing to worry about, just in case you thought a hot Italian dude might snatch my heart."

He laughs, such a soft, wholesome sound, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"I trust you, sweetheart, even if you weren't going with Saff I still wouldn't be worrying," he says, kissing the side of my head.

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