Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


  “Moonlight, your back” I yell as she walks through the entrance.

  “ I am?” she says acting confused. I run up to her “Is something wrong?” she asks.

  “ No I got a new mentor, Darkscar” I shout.

  “ Darkscar what?” She says surprised” Darkscar is your new mentor. Wow wasn't expecting that, I guess he is taking a liking to you. Congratulations” I was expecting her to get mad. yet she was like that when I got picked for Stripetail. We walk to the cave. She sits then slowly seeps into a stretch then finally lays down.

  “So how was training” I say to break the silence” Was it fun?”

  “I guess so It was a little lonely sitting in the woods.”she says.

  “I thought Sharptooth was with you?” I ask questioningly.

  “ He was for the first part, then he left and told me to hunt till he gets back. Honestly I don't know how to hunt yet. Thats why I did not bring anything home” She says disappointingly.

  “ Well maybe you-” I am cut off by a squeaky, little voice.

  “ hey guys” Stamperpaw says stampering in. “So this is the apprentice cave?” he says looking around. He goes from one side of the cave to the other. “Hey Moonlight what are you doing tomorrow?” he asks out of nowhere.

  “Well I believe I am learning some new hunting skills- like usual” she mumbles under her breath” you will be training soon ,won't you, you're what Five moons now” She says changing the subject.

  “Six” He says courageously.

  “ Well its time to get some sleep go and tell Hazlewood we said hi” Moonlight tells him.

  “Okay” he says then runs out of the cave.

  “Goodnight “I say.I curl up but the cold still gets through to my skin.

  In the morning me and Moonlight go to get some breakfast. She and I share a rabbit. Darkscar watches me from a distance.

He slowly makes his way over.

  “ You will join Sharptooth and Moonlight today. I have more important things to do.” He says in a deep tone.

  “Okay” I say staring down at my food.

  “Lesson one, If you can't look at a member of your own tribe you're not part of the tribe at all” He says then walks off. What is that supposed to mean, so I'm shy you don't have to get your tail bunched up.

  “Hurry up you two” shouts Sharptooth. We stop eating and walk over to join him.”So I am expecting you to, to get at least three mice today” he says.

  “But we don't even know how to hunt!” I shout. Moonlight gives me a glare, one I will never forget.

  “I am seeing the things you need to work on” He says holding himself back from teaching me a lesson.

  We walk to an abandoned shack.”You should find plenty of mice around here, for example” He crouches down and slowly makes his way around the shack, he leaps and comes up with a mouse between his teeth “Simple” he says with a full mouth.” I will meet you here at a quarter to sundown got it” He doesn't even wait for an answer then walks off into the woods.

  We look at eachother once he is gone and both start to try and catch a mouse. some time goes by and so far I've caught one but it got away. I walk around a tree and a little brown cat is playing with a mouse.

  “Hey there,” I say.

  “What” It says rudely “ever see a cat with a mouse”. I get upset and grab it by the scruff of the neck” Hey knock it off” it yelps from my jaws.” My mom will get you” It says.

  “I'm sure a cat will scare me” I say sarcastically.” Hey Moonlight, look at what I found” I say with a mouth full.

  “ You know what that is right” She says backing away

  “ Of course” I say “It a little kitty”. I'm kind of wondering why she is backing away.

  “ Yes that is a cat but its a cougar kit my question is where is the mother”

  “ my mother will be back any minute” The kit says triumphantly.

  “Put him down and lets get out of here” Moonlight says. A voice behind her makes her eyes pop.

  “What, are you doing with my child?!” the voice says. a larger cat emerges from the brambles and Moonlight comes and hides behind me. I can't believe what I've done.”I asked you a question” She says threatening us. I take action and put the kit down.

  “told ya she would get ya” the kit mocks. He goes and stands under his mothers shoulders.

  “Listen we are very, very sorry and we never meant to hurt-”

  “Ramble” she says telling me her kits name

  “Ramble.” I say, I let my guard down to show we mean no harm.

  “ Well I'm Fang and this is my territory so I would like you to leave” she says very politely.

  “ Thank you for understanding were merely pups ourselves” I respond.

  “and that is why I did not kill you so leave” she says getting a little more impatint.

  We run back to camp but stop and think about Sharptooth. How could we have forgotten about him.

  “ Hey, what about Sharptooth?” I ask her.

  “ If he were with us training us this would not have happened” She said flatly. I look at her and nod. We walk into camp and I can tell she is worried about her mentor.

  “Where is Sharptooth? Why are you back so early?” Asked Darkscar as he came walking up to us.

  “ He told us to hunt mice, but we were very unsuccessful because we don't know how to hunt” I explain “ He left and told us he will be back around Sundown.”

  “ Why are you back?” Darkscar asks impatiently.

  “ Lightheart messed with a cougar kit and its mother got angry and told us to leave” Moonlight says backing me up.”We need to find him before he goes to cougar territory”.

  “I will send a search party.” He says then turns and calls to Bearclaw and Shadowfall, a female wolf.

  “Come on” I tell Moonlight “ We should help to”.

  “Oh no, not after the trouble you almost got us into earlier today” She starts to walk to the nursery. I guess she is on her way to see her mother. I start to walk and I feel as if something stabbed me in the foot.

  “Ouch” I shout and pull the attention towards me. A small female wolf walks up to me. Its the girl that brought me into camp.

  “ Can I help you” She says in a soft voice. I lift my paw.”Ooo, you should see Sparkfall, she is in the the small cave over there.”

  “thanks” I say then walk towards the small rock formation.


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