Chapter 1 - a little close...

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Not long after Chongyun had gone out to seclude himself away from the noise of Liyue Harbor to train and such, he found himself plagued with fatigue.

He knew that he hadn't gotten a very good night of rest last night, but waking up early today made his tiredness much stronger.

"Better to take a rest now than to train when I'm not at full capacity," He thought.

Leaning against a tall tree and careful to keep in the shade, he lets his eyelids close, eventually sinking to completely lay on the ground.


Meanwhile, Xingqiu was heading up to see his cryo friend, as Chongyun had informed him he'd be out training and he was welcome to join.

Really, Xingqiu just wanted to come and read his current book while keeping Chongyun company, but spending any amount of time with him these days just made his crush on him that much stronger. There wasn't much he could do about it, though he tried.

Coming up the hill he was told the other would be at, he recognizes the familiar blue hair and white apparel, instantly rushing over in concern. His friend wouldn't take a break like that, so naturally he was worried that he could have been hurt or worse, and in a moment of fear Xingqiu leans over him to see if anything's wrong.

To his relief, his best friend just seems to be resting, a sight Xingqiu doesn't often get to see. Getting closer, he notices how at peace he seems, as if he hasn't a care in the world.

He knows that because of Chongyun's condition, he has to keep his emotion in check at all times, often being seen as "emotionless" or "icy". Yet Xingqiu tries to help him overcome it, though some ways odder and not as helpful as others.

The afternoon wind blows through both of their hair, and Chongyun slightly moves to get more comfortable. However, the weight on him stirs him awake, and he slowly opens his eyes much to Xingqiu's panic.

He slightly sits up, then lets out a stifled yell as he notices the boy in front of him. Like, right in front of him. In fact, his friend is sitting on top of him, and he's feeling a million things at once.

"Gah- Xingqiu!" Is all he says before he tries to calm himself. His face feels hot and his stomach is stirring, so much so to the point he fears he'll need a popsicle.

"A-ah, good afternoon Chongyun. Did you rest well?" Xingqiu fumbles and afterwards hurriedly gets off to sit beside him. He wasn't expecting him to wake up so soon, though it was his fault for getting so close.

"I did, thank you for asking. But, what were you doing just now?" Chongyun says after calming down.

"I, um, I've just never seen you look so peaceful before. It was intriguing. But, I won't do that again, promise." He trips over his words, a maze of hurdles to get to the right combination that could serve as an answer.

"Really? I suppose I'd look more calm and carefree when I'm asleep, given that then I don't have to worry about my constitution. Though I don't know why you couldn't see that from far away..."

He doesn't want to make him feel bad, but he is confused as to why he was so close. Was it really that interesting?

"Why were you sleeping by the way? You don't usually do that." Xingqiu says, changing the subject.

"Oh, I didn't sleep well last night. Not sure why, there wasn't anything different about it..."

"Well, you know what they say, "if you can't sleep, it's because someone's thinking about you."

"Who would be thinking about me that late at night long enough for me to get no sleep?"

Xingqiu doesn't reply, knowing damn well Chongyun's the topic that's on his mind a lot. The way he talks, how focused and hardworking he is, how much he cares about his closest companions, Xingqiu could go on and on about Chongyun for virtually forever. But was it really the cause of him getting no sleep? Probably not, but that doesn't make him feel any less guilty for thinking about him.

He needed to get this going in a different direction or else it might be awkward later if Chongyun brings it up again. So he brings up going to have something to eat.

"Oh, something to eat right now? Sure, that sounds nice-"

"Great, great! My treat for being intrusive. Come, lets go." Once again rushing his words, Xingqiu pulls Chongyun up by the hand and the two head down to Wanmin restaurant, the uncomfortable tension slowly driving away.


First chapter!

Had fun writing this, really excited to keep it going!!!

Even though it's supposed to be more of Chongyun's point of view, this chapter was more Xingqiu's, oop-

Let me know if there's something I should fix or if you enjoyed!


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