Kate POV
I felt someone holding my hand.
"When is she going to wake up. She has been asleep for a day already." I heard someone talking. I felt Midnight purring. I tried to wake up. It seemed like my eyes were glued shut. "I know I hardly know you but I'm already in love with you. I hope you feel the same way. Even if you don't, I'll wait forever for you." I heard the same voice saying. I wanted so badly to know who was talking. But it was like my brain was shut down. I felt something warm on my forehead. I realized it was a pair of lips. He kissed my forhead.
I squeezed the hand that was in my own hand. "She just squeezed my hand! Come on! Open your eyes babe!" I tried so hard to open my eyes. I finally did. My eyes were met with a bright light. I shut my eyes immediately. My eyes quickly adjusted to the light. I looked around.
Xavier was in a chair next to me. Ryder was sitting in another chair on the opposite side of me. I was immediately brought into two pairs of arms. I hugged back. "What happened?" I asked.
"I'm sorry. When we were driving, I wasn't paying much attention. There was a wolf on the road and I swerved and hit a tree. You hit you head and went unconscious." Ryder sheepishly answered. I just nodded. I was thinking. Why in the world would there be a wolf standing randomly in the middle of the road? That is the most stupid thing ever. They could get run over and they'll become road kill.
"I'll leave you guys alone. I'm going to get lunch. I'll get you a sandwich Kate. Do you want anything Xavier:?" Ryder offered.
"Sure. I'll have a sandwich too. Doesn't matter what kind." Xavier replied. Ryder nodded and left the room. I looked at Xavier. I just noticed the bags under his eyes.
"Are you alright Xavier?" I asked concerned. He just nodded but he didn't look fine. I scooted to one side of the bed and patted the space next to me. Xavier climbed on. He wrapped an arm around me and I rested my head on his chest.
"I was so worried. I thought you weren't going to wake up . The doctor said you would only be unconscious for a few hours. But after a day passed and you weren't awake, I was so worried. I just found you and I don't want to lose you." He said. I looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes. I straightened up.
"I'm sorry . I heard what you were saying when I was unconsious. I love you too. I would never want to lose you either." I said honestly. He cupped my face. We just stared into each other's eyes. He leaned in slowly. I met him halfway. Our lips touched and fireworks were going through my body. This kiss was full of passion and love. When we pulled apart, his eyes were shining. He smiled. I laughed.
"Here are your guys sandwiches." Ryder said coming into the room. We thanked him and started eating. He sat in a chair next to me. We were all just making jokes and takling.
"My pack is having a barbeque tonight. I'm going to introduce you as their luna tonight also. Is that alright?" Xavier asked. I just nodded. Truthfully, I was super nervous. What if they didn't like me? What if they thought that I couldn't be a luna because Im a cat shifter? "Stop worrying. You'll do find. Everyone will love you." Xavier said hugging me. My brother agreed.
"We should be getting home. Where do you live Xavier." Ryder asked. He was getting up. I shifted into my kitten. I jumped into Xavier's arms.He just chuckled. He started getting up too.
"I live near the forest. I could drive there and you can change and stuff there." Xavier responded. We all walked out of the room. Well more like Ryder and Xavier walked out. I was being carried out. We got to the car. Xavier got into the driver's seat. Ryder sat in the passenger seat. I just layed on Xavier's lap. Everytime we went to a stoplight, Xavier would rub my head or pet me. I just purred while he chuckled. I loved feeling the sparks when we touched.
We started getting closer to our house. We finally got to Xavier's house. I was right. It was right by our house. I looked at Ryder with my kitty eyes. He just scowled. I meowed in happiness. Xavier looked down at me. He gently picked me up. He carried me through the door. Ryder followed.
Xavier POV
I walked into my house. Ryder followed me. He was scowling for some reason. I set Kate on the couch and patted her head. She was meowing happily. Ryder sat next to his sister. She crawled into his lap. She curled into a ball. I smiled at the sight. I walked around the house. I was looking for my mom.
I found my mom in the kitchen. "Hi mom. I brought my mate here. She is with her brother." I told her. She squealed.
"My baby finally found his mate. She is one lucky gal." She shrieked. She was always waiting for the day that I found my mate. I led her to the living room where Ryder and Kate were. When we got there, it was a sight to see.
Kate was scratching and hissing at Ryder. He was trying to stop Kate. "Ok ok ok. I'll give you your fifty dollars. Just stop scratching at me. I'm going to die from blood loss." He cried. Kate just meowed happily and started licking Ryder's cuts. It started to heal.
"Hey Crystal honey. What going on?" My dad asked coming into the room. He wrapped his arms around my mom. Kate and Ryder looked at us. Kate came bounding over to me. I picked her up in my arms. She purred and rubbed her head against my chest. I chuckled.
"Your mate's a cat shifter?" My dad asked me. I just nodded. Ryder started walking up to us.
"Hello Crystal. My sister, Kate, brought cookies to you right? I'm her brother Ryder." He said.
"It's nice to meet you sweetie. And yes. Is Kate your mate?" She asked me as she shook hands with Ryder. I just nodded.
"Hello Ryder. I am John. It's nice to meet you too Kate." He said. He shook hands with Ryder and just pet Kate's head. She leaned towards his hand. He chuckled.
"I am going to stay with them at their house until the barbeque okay? I'm also going to introduce Kate as the luna." I told my parents. They just nodded and left the room. Ryder and I walked to their house with Kate in my arms. When we got in the house, Kate ran out of my arms and into a room. The door closed.
"We should leave soon." Ryder nodded. "Kate! Come on. We have to leave." I called to her. She never came out of her room yet. Sometimes I wonder what girls do in their rooms. I heard footsteps approaching. I looked behind me. Kate was walking over to us. She was wearing short shorts and a black crop top with a skull on it. She had eyeliner on with some eyeshadow. She had hooped earings on. She was wearing black wedges. She looked hot. She pecked my lips and we walked out.
Ryder, Kate and I walked over to my house. I could smell the barbeque. Most people were in the backyard. The backyard was huge. It was connected to the forest.
"Kate, I smell my mate. I'm going to go find her." Ryder said. I could tell he was excited. Kate just nodded in acknoledgement. Ryder left. I pulled Kate to my room. There was a king sized bed in one corner of the room. There was a bathroom connected. I had some posters on the wall from movies and bands. There was a walk in closet and a big window. My room was on the second floor. There was a blacony too.
Kate ran and jumped onto the bed. I chuckled at her actions. She was adorable. I took off her wedges and slid next to her. She rested her head on my chest. "I know we already love each other and this is kind of late, but, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervously. She laughed. She laughed so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes. I was so confused.
"Of course I will." She said. She kissed my lips. I quickly took control of the kiss. She straddled my lap. I sat up leaning against the headboard. Her hands roamed under my shirt. I groaned. My hands started roaming her body. They touched her stomach and back. Her skin was so soft.
BANG! The door banged open. "Guess what Xavier!" I heard a shriek.
Thanks for reading. Who do you thing barged in? Is it a slut or one of Xavier's toys? Don't forget to vote and comment.

The Werewolf's Kitten
Loup-garouKate lives with her overprotective brother near the woods. She shifts into a small fluffy kitten. So what happens when she meet her mate and he is a werewolf. Will she accept or reject him. Will she love or hate him. Xavier is the alpha of the Blue...