me hating men part 1000

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Hey besties so like in civics class we are having a debate abt gender inequality (omg I love having my rights as a person born as a woman being debated 😍) and my friend made a very good point on femicides here where we live and everything. And a guy in my class had the audacity to fuckin say "yes I get it's happening but how do you know men kill women for being women? And don't you think it happens to men too? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺" SHUT UP MALE GODDMANIT. I don't go outside without fearing for my life every time I go out w my friends just for this little boy to say that femicides don't exist and shut when my country has one of the biggest cases in that topic. Like boy every time I go out with friends I make sure to stick next to either one of my friends who are guys, one of them being Noah. I'm pretty scared that any men would try to grab me or do anything.

Also like I've a,ways been iffy abt men since since  was very very young my parents and grandma told me what men are capable of and I grew up around that environment and of course I was scared and still am. But i ain't gonna talk abt that lol.

Anyways men suck and probably should be included in discussions about women we all know how that goes, their fuckin privilege blinds them. Fuckin assholes thinking everything revolves around them. You wanna be oppressed so bad? Here take my fucking minority-ness and hand me over ur privilege. Believe me honey you can't have both.

Anyway I'm done complaining I'm tired at least it's Friday I wanna go home and draw or sleep idk bye

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