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The soft trembling that I felt under my shoes these last three hours has finally stopped. The slide doors were wide open now and the seat belts removed themselves. People started to exit the room.

"We're here!" said Caleb, excitedly to Jimmie.

"Heyyy!!!!" said Jimmie, smiling. "How do we go in?"

"Through a bridge just like the ones they use in airplanes to get in" Caleb replied.

We walked through the hallway and the cool lady voice has returned, repeating:

"Welcome to the Grand Constellation. Enjoy the stay with your families"

We exited through the bridge and entered the hotel. It was a large and great hall decorated with the largest chandelier that sparkled like thousand stars. The walls were red painted with about ten doors on each side leading to other parts of the hotel. There were digital boards above every door. At the center, there was a large counter where stood four well-dressed men with great smiles welcoming the guest and issuing them their room keycards.

"It's quaint" commented Jacelyn, looking around.

"Yeah. It may look like a spaceship outside, but here it is designed like this to give a feeling like we were living in some castle." said Caleb.

We waited in line and finally got our keycards.

"Go through the sixth door to your right which will get you to the bridge. Thank you, sir." said the man. "Next"

We went to the sixth door named bridge. After going through a hallway, it led to the bridge. It was an open bridge with a floor escalator that took us right to the other side while we enjoy gazing at the dark space above us. Jimmie was so excited to go through that, he cannot stop jumping. Dina like always filming everything on her phone. Caleb had his arms around Jacelyn and they both were laughing together.

I avoided them and looked up and saw a small ship floating up and above the large ring and light was flashing on and off like a signal. I left it because I thought it was just some satellite. But at my right, I saw two satellites and that looked more like a shuttle or ship.

We finally exited the bridge and now went to the elevator which had a line.

"I got us at top of the ring from where we can see the front building and earth" said Caleb.

"Cooool!!" said Jimmie.

We got into the large elevator.

"Please, state the floor" said a voice from nowhere.

"Uh, 13th floor." said Caleb.

Others said their floors. A little jerk and the doors opened and we were on the thirteenth floor just like that. I felt a little dizzy after I came out of it. We went to rooms J-56 and J-57. Caleb gave us our keycard which is room J-57. Me and the kids went in and inside it was a large room with a king-size bed on the center and a large hologram screen with the Grand Constellation hotel logo. There was also a large window from where we can see the earth.

"That was the largest bathtub I have ever seen!" said Dina emerging from the bathroom.

"This bed is so soft! I can do this all day! Whoo!" said Jimmie, jumping on the bed.

"Jimmie, get down!" I said.

He got down and switched on the hologram television.

"Mom, look here," said Dina and went close to the hearth and crouched down.

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