13 Years And Counting

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I stood up awkwardly as Malakai rubbed on Zara. I couldn't deny how angry it made me that he was ignoring me and paying attention to her. Most of my life it's been me and him no matter what, even when Charles came around I still didn't change around my best friend.

He rubbed her upper thigh and licked his lips as he looked at her. I never thought him finding his mate would have me feeling this way but it did.

I stormed off to the kitchen to wash the dishes, couldn't stand watching this no longer.

Malakai was supposed to be mine! After all of these years everyone just knew we were meant to be mates. We have everything in common, he loves me like no one has ever done before, we protect each other, we spend every waking moment together. Even when we are not around each other we still call.

All of the nights where I couldn't sleep and he would come to my house and hold me till I slept.

All those nights when I didn't feel beautiful he would be there to drill it in my head that I am.

All of those days where he felt pressured and I was there to defend him.

We taught each other, grew together, and I can feel my place being taken.

He's basically putting me out and I've never kicked him out of my house for Charles. I've always held him above Charles at all times.

It's always forget everyone else's feelings as long as Malakai is happy and safe.

Besides, she honestly couldn't compare to me.  I'm better for him in every way.

Yes I love Charles, but not the same as how I love Malakai.

I always wondered what it would've been like to be Malakai's mate. Of course life couldn't be that perfect...

Soon I heard someone come into the kitchen. Without even looking I could tell it was her. I could smell her natural scent of vanilla and it sickened me!

I decided to turn around to see what she was doing and why she was in my space.

She looked around, obviously confused.

Annoyed, I put on my 'nice' voice and asked her what she was looking for.

"Umm the trash can" she said.

"Oh yeah, this is your first time in his house. God I can't even count how many days and nights I spent here. The trash can pulls out like a drawer. It's the first drawer when you walk in" I said pointing to it.

I purposely mentioned how often I come here just so she can get the picture that I'm not going anywhere.

Almost every night I cuss at the gods for not making us mates! Even after being marked by Charles my feelings for Kai stayed the same. I just hope if he mark this girl his feelings for me will stay.

I could see how angry that made her as she rolled her eyes. Her anger brought joy to me and my wolf.

After she threw the trash away she stood there for a while.

"Can I help you with anything else? Maybe like where his room is?" I asked, finishing up the dishes.

She growled but didn't approach me, maybe because she's seen a small amount of what I can do and know she doesn't stand a chance.

I'm one of the best fighters ever. Fighting has always come easy to me considering it's the only thing my parents ever introduced me to. I took down a 300lb man when I was nothing but 12 years of age.

Trying to fight me would just end her life faster than she could call out to Malakai.

She stormed out of the kitchen and I smiled to myself knowing I've upset her.

I was just about done cleaning the kitchen when Charles came in. He's not who I wanted to come in, but he's better than her.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Just about..., I gotta speak to Kai then I'll be ready to go" I said, looking around the Kitchen. All that was left was taking out the trash, I'm sure she can do that.

"Okay" he said, holding my hand. I looked down at our locked hands and couldn't help but wish it was kai's, but I still smiled.

We walked out the kitchen only to see something that turned my smile into a snarl.

Zara stood looking out the window and Malakai stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. His body was pressed on hers and I couldn't help but notice how his head fit perfectly in her neck.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, which he did give me by looking back at me.

"Can I speak with you for a second?" I asked, motioning my head to the hallway.

Zara rolled her eyes as he walked towards me. I could see how sad and angry she looked.

I dropped Charles' hand and took Kai's, leading him to the hallway close to his room.

"What's up?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Is there a reason you're putting me out? I mean we normally have sleepovers on the weekend" I pout.

"We can have one next weekend, okay? It's Zara first night at the pack" he said, mocking my pouty face.

I let out a small laugh at his face and playfully rolled my eyes.

"What about tomorrow night?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Umm I'll let you know." He said, looking down at me.

For a split second I could imagine that we were mates by how he's looking at me. Those brown eyes have always given me so much hope and love. I can't believe they were going to be looking at another.

"Okay Kai" I said every low as I stared into his eyes.

He smiled at me, patted my back, and started to walk back to the living room. I followed quickly behind him.

"See you guys later" he said, waving at us as we walked out the door.

Charles held the car door open for me as I stepped in.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked, and he drove us home.

"Our sleepovers" I said, honestly. Charles is well aware of our sleepovers. There's no reason to lie to him. Our sleepovers have been happening for years and nothing is changing over some mates!

"Awe, cool" he said, turning on some music.

Charles used to have a problem with Malakai's and I relationship, but I quickly shut that down. He had to know Kai is a part of me. He can't be my mate if he had a problem with Kai and I hope Kai is giving Zara that run down.

Mates are forced on us, what we have is a choice. No one can just come out of nowhere and expect to be held at a higher standard than our relationship.

It's been 13 years and counting, I'm not going anywhere.

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