Bad Boys Need Punishment, Right?? (Smut)

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Requested By TheActualHimikoToga

Hihi!!! I hope this manages to meet your expectations ^^  and again, like last fic, I SUCK at titles, so sorry for that </3
Also!!! To anyone who reads this! You can request more than once! I'm always down to write multiple requests for a person who's already requested :>

Cw-smut (if thats not a given already..), degradation, overstimulation, uh Licorice gets smacked on the ass twice </3, scratching, Licorice cries BC he's beyond overstimulated, name calling (putting these here so that's if this stuff makes you uncomfy, skip this chapter!)

Red Velvet had been looking over the cake monsters working on making even more cake monsters for his army, and Licorice was there with him, only because he supposedly had nothing better to do. Licorice was getting bored and wanted Red Velvet to call it quits for the day. "Red Velvet come on...we've been here like...all day! Can't you call it a day already?" Licorice whined. "You think this is easy?? Making sure that not one little mistake happens?? This isn't as easy as you think, Licorice.. Besides, what do you know about this type of work, when all you do is stay in your room and do your magic or whatever it is.." Red Velvet said, taking a moment to look away from the cake monsters to look at Licorice. "Excuse me??! You and everyone else act as if I don't do anything around here! I do in fact help! I just..don't get recognition for it.." Licorice said defensively. "Yeah, okay, believe what you want. It's pretty pathetic that you work for Dark Enchantress and you hardly make any effort..." Red Velvet muttered. 'Pathetic..' Red Velvet's insult echoed in Licorice's head. "I..I'm not pathetic...asshole.." Licorice mumbled, his face began to feel warm out of embarrassment. "Sure you are...I-..Licorice. Are you serious..? I always knew you were a freak.." Red Velvet spat. "What...What're you talking about...?" Licorice stammered, worried that Red Velvet knew what was going on. "I called you a degrading name, as an insult, mind you, and you look like you're on the verge of an orgasm" Red Velvet said, glaring at Licorice. Before Licorice could speak, Red Velvet had made it be known to the cake monsters that their work was done for the day. "Don't even speak. Not a word. My room, right now." Red Velvet commended as he walked off towards the direction of his room. Licorice followed behind, but kept a safe distance, just in case Red Velvet were to unexpectedly lash out.

"I swear it's nothing weird! S-Sir, please just...give a moment to explain!" Licorice pleaded as soon as Red Velvet slammed his door shut. "Are you kidding me?! There's no way in hell you can make an excuse for this" Red Velvet growled, then using a claw from his cake arm to lift up Licorice's robe above his stomach to show his obvious hard on. "H-Hey! Quit it! So you call me a freak, yet you're doin this? Why are you looking down there anyway???" Licorice yelped, shoving his robe back down over his legs. "I called you a freak because you are one. Don't act like you're not. You're disgusting, it's so unbelievably pathetic. I bet you get off anytime you get insulted, you whore" Red Velvet sneered. Licorice's eyes widened as he blushed heavily. "S-Sir! Please!" Licorice gasped, crossing his legs. "You just proved my point. Not surprised..What is it that you want me to do, huh?" Red Velvet asked, looking Licorice up and down. " could use me like the useless whore I me just how disgusting I am..ngh..put me back in my place and show me who's in charge, h-huh..?" Licorice said, his voice wavering slightly. "Damn right I'll put you back in your place and show you who's boss. Bed. Now. Take your clothes off while you're at it" Red Velvet commanded. "Y-Yes, sir.." Licorice stammered nervously and did as Red Velvet asked, not wanting to get on his bad side. "Good boy.." Red Velvet mumbled as he started to take off everything from the waist down,and got on the bed next to Licorice. "A-Ah...sir please..put me in my place..I'm all yours.." Licorice nervously laughed as he got on all fours. "Damn right you are" Red Velvet growled, then grabbing both sides of Licorice's hips and slamming himself into the smaller male's entrance. "G-Gah! Hey! Take it easy to start off...w-would ya??" Licorice whined loudly. "Nope. Absolutely not. You said to use you like the useless whore you are, so I don't think you really have any say in what I do to you and how I do it" Red Velvet smirked as he continuously rammed himself into Licorice mercilessly. "H-Holy shit sir...r-right there.." Licorice whimpered, burying his face in the sheets, attempting to muffle any needy noises that came out of him. Red Velvet gave a harsh smack to Licorice's rear end, hard enough to leave a hand print. "O-Ow! Hey what was th-that for??" Licorice yelped, whipping his head around to look at Red Velvet. "You don't use that sort of language around those higher in power than you, do you? It's quite disrespectful and extremely unprofessional.." Red Velvet growled, still thrusting into Licorice relentlessly. "I'm sorry, sir..just..d-don't do that again..p-please?" Licorice whined, burying his face in the sheets yet again. "If you do something you're not supposed to, I'll do it again, so be careful with what you say or do, got it? Also..I want to hear you..head up, slut" Red Velvet muttered as he put both hands on Licorice's shoulders and yanked him up so he was now on all fours, and so that he could force Licorice back against his groin area. Licorice gasped softly as Red Velvet yanked him up. Red Velvet's grip on Licorice's shoulder were rather tight, and even a bit uncomfortable, considering Red Velvet's cake claw was practically stabbing into his skin. It didn't help that Red Velvet's normal hand had claw-like nails, because those nails were also practically stabbing into Licorice's skin. "Ngh..S-Sir..? Can you ah..loosen your grip a bit..mnhh..your c-claws..hurt.." Licorice stammered, panting softly, becoming a bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening. "Pfft, you think I'm doing any of this to meet any of your wants? You're stupid if you think that's the case.." Red Velvet smirked. "P-Please sir! I'll end up getting b-blood on your sheets.." Licorice whined, noticing how a little bit of his blood started dribbling down from his shoulders to his arms. "You think I care? I'll take care of it later, not that big of an issue.." Red Velvet huffed. "How close are you..?" He asked, slowing his pace down for just a moment so Licorice can actually answer and form a whole sentence with sputtering it out. "C-Close enough...why do you ask, sir..?" Licorice panted heavily. "Mm..think you can hold off until I cum first..?" Red Velvet asked, unknowingly loosening his grip, only by a little bit, though. "That depends on how close you gettin' there..?" Licorice asked, looking back at Red Velvet. Licorice looked beyond physically spent: his eyes were a bit watery, tears of pleasure forming in his eyes but refusing to fall, his hair all matted and messy from him sweating a whole lot, beads of sweat dripping down his face, and his legs quivered slightly, feeling as if they'd give out at any moment. Red Velvet took a moment to take in how Licorice looked. To Red Velvet, Licorice looked absolutely pathetic, but hot in its own weird, sick way. "You getting to that point.. Sir..?" Licorice reiterated, knocking Red Velvet back to reality. "No. Not quite. Promise me you won't cum before I do..? Because if you do, things will get rather nasty, real quick..I'll keep using you 'til I'm done, even if that means pushing you way past your limits..understand?" Red Velvet asked as he tightened his grip on Licorice's shoulders again. "Oh dear..I..I'll try.." Licorice whimpered. "Good boy.." Red Velvet murmured, then picking up the pace, slamming himself into Licorice again. Licorice became a moaning mess underneath Red Velvet. A cocktail of fear, anxiety and pleasure filled Licorice. Everything felt so good, it was really hard to not make any needy noises. Licorice didn't want it to end any time soon. But at the same time, he was also terrified that he'd climax before Red Velvet did, not knowing what he'd do. Fear and anxiety really started to kick in, as Licorice felt himself get closer and closer to climax. "A-Ah..sir..? I'm..I'm close..P-Please tell me you're just about there..I can't guarantee that I can make it much longer.." Licorice whined, his breath staggering. "I'm close..but not as close as you are..just remember, cum before I do? Your punishment gets worse.." Red Velvet warned. " can't do that to me..." Licorice whined, the tears of pleasure now starting to trickle down his face as he was becoming overstimulated from holding himself back from release. "Of course a whore like you can't hold off..pathetic." Red Velvet muttered. Licorice was on the verge of breaking down in tears. He needed to let it out. It started to hurt, to an extent. "Don't do it...c'mon..just a bit longer..." Red Velvet said in a teasing manner. "N-Ngh..AH-!" Licorice moaned loudly as he gave in and came. "Knew it! You fucking pathetic of you." Red Velvet sneered. Licorice then gave in and broke down in tears for a mixture of reasons. "S-Sir! I'm so sorry...please, I can't do this anymore...I know I'm a sick, disgusting wh-whore...I'm only good at pleasuring others...please I-I'll do anything..!" He cried out, still coming down from his orgasm. He's desperate...cute.. Red Velvet thought as he raised an eyebrow. "You're so adorable when you're begging desperately...willing to give yourself away to avoid a punishment you brought onto yourself..admitting to what you are...a slut. A, how about we make a deal, hm? If you can finish me off in less than 10 minutes, I'll forget about taking your punishment any further. Deal?" Red Velvet asked. "Y-Yes! Deal! Please just give me an opportunity..I won't let you down.." Licorice stammered. Red Velvet nodded, then dragging both hands down to the middle of Licorice's back, leaving a slight scratch mark. "H-Hey! Tha-" Licorice yelped, before getting cut off by another harsh smack on his butt. "N-ngh! Sir!" Licorice cried out, grasping at the sheets tightly as he clenched his teeth together, trying hard to not react and say something he shouldn't. "Come on, slut, time's ticking" Red Velvet growled. Licorice quickly moved so that he was on his knees in front of Red Velvet's lower region, mouth open just enough for Red Velvet to grab Licorice by his hair and force his dick into his mouth, hitting the back of Licorice's throat. Licorice gagged slightly, not used to having Red Velvet's length hit the back of his throat first go. "Fuck...You feel so good.." Red Velvet groaned as he continued to fuck Licorice's mouth. As much as Licorice hated the situation he was in now, he didn't dare to show any signs od resistance in any way, afraid of the consequences if he were to do so. Red Velvet looked down at Licorice. He looked even more spent than he did earlier: unknowingly slobbering and drooling, eyes drooping with tears of both fear and pleasure trickling down his face as well as beads of sweat still dripping down his face..or was it sweat? No matter. To Red Velvet, he looked hot nonetheless. "Oh god..L-Licorice..ah.." Red Velvet moaned under his breath. He stuck out his free hand for Licorice to grab ahold of. Licorice was quick to grab ahold of his hand. "I'm gonna..g-gah..!" Red Velvet gasped, as he finally came. Licorice squeezed Red Velvet's hand tightly, trying his hardest to tough it out without gagging or pulling away until Red Velvet was completely done releasing his load. After what felt like forever to Licorice, Red Velvet pulled out. "You managed to finish me're done being punished...fuck.." Red Velvet panted, then putting his boxers back on. " you sir..." Licorice mumbled, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

After both boys got cleaned up, Licorice started to make his way to the door to leave Red Velvet's room. " going already..?" Red Velvet asked, cocking his head slightly. "I didn't wanna overdo my stay..." Licorice mumbled softly. "No no..I..I want you to stay..just wanna make sure you're okay..especially after all that. Not only that, I don't want you to think I just wanted to use you and kick you to the curb..I'm not like that, dear.." Red Velvet said as he sat down on the edge of his bed, looking away shyly. He hated being seen as soft, even if it's for a moment. "Oh..well if you insist, sir.." Licorice nodded, sitting next to Red Velvet on his bed. "You don't need to call me that anymore, it's okay.." Red Velvet smiled slightly as he pulled Licorice closer and planted a quick kiss on Licorice's cheek. Licorice smiled as he pulled Red Velvet into a tight hug. "Hey..I'm sorry about your ah...shoulders and back..I got a little too carried away with okay?" Red Velvet asked, glancing at Licorice's shoulder. "Yeah..I'm okay, don't worry about it, big boy" Licorice laughed. Red Velvet laughed softly, then falling back onto the bed, brining Licorice down with him. Licorice snuggled up against Red Velvet's chest, sighing softly. Red Velvet carefully put his arms around Licorice, holding him closely. The rest of the time was spent exchanging "I Love You's" and small gentle kisses. Eventually, the two passed out, both being extremely worn out and tired.

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