When I Said I Love You, I Meant It (Angst And Fluff)

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Requested by Swootser <3! (Hopefully this meets your standards ;w;)

Man. Some of y'all that request angst REALLY know how to make things angsty 😭 I apologize in advance if I make any of y'all upset over any future angst requests </3
Also!!! In this fic, RV and Licorice move in together! I specify that BC it'll be important at some point in this :'-)

As stated in all my requests, there might be grammar errors or spelling errors, and I apologize ! So try and go through these, but sometimes I let a mistakes slip. Sorry!

Licorice didn't like to think of himself as a possessive boyfriend, but he couldn't help but want to be the only person Red Velvet talked to. Licorice had no ill intentions with wanting that, he was just terrified Red Velvet would lose interest in him. Even with Red Velvet constantly reassuring him, Licorice still was scared that Red Velvet would leave him. This irrational fear of Licorice's started to seemingly come true when Red Velvet started to hang out with Dark Choco more and not giving much time to Licorice.

The two were hanging out in the living room when Licorice reluctantly brought it up. "Hey..so what's going on with you and Dark Choco..?" Licorice asked nervously. Red Velvet sighed. "I'm not screwing around or anything..we've just been catching up since it's been awhile...you know I wouldn't cheat or anything...especially on you.." He said, sounding slightly annoyed. "It's just...not fair..! I..I'm your boyfriend...it'd only make sense if most of your attention was on me...you think?" Licorice said, trying his best to not let his emotions get the best of him. "Are you serious? Do you hear yourself right now?" Red Velvet asked, the annoyance in his tone became very apparent. "You've literally been ignoring me for what...the past week? Maybe even longer?? Do you seriously expect me to not be upset???" Licorice asked angrily. "Fuck, Licorice...I love you, but not all of my time has to be devoted to you, and you know that! We both haves personal lives outside of us" Red Velvet muttered as he pointed at Licorice, then himself. "And I get that! But my problem is that you've seemingly avoided me all this week! That hurts, it really does.." Licorice huffed. "Well if I can't satisfy you with the time that I do give you, then I can't guarantee that I'm the one for you. The world doesn't revolve around you, Licorice.." Red Velvet said with a soft sigh. "Fine! If I'm clearly not one of your top priorities, then I'm done... We're done" Licorice spat.

It had been about a month since Red Velvet and Licorice broke up. Licorice had moved into a small apartment, leaving Red Velvet and Chiffon with the house that they bought when they were still together. Red Velvet spent a good majority of his time at Dark Choco's place, refusing to stay at his own place where he'd only get constant reminders of what he once had.

"Hey...I know I say it a lot...but I'm sorry that me 'n Chiffon are still here..I swear I'll go back...soon.." Red Velvet said exhaustedly. "Mm...it's alright...." Dark Choco said softly. "I just..hope I'm not too much of a problem here.." Red Velvet sighed. Dark Choco shook his head. He then sat down next to Red Velvet. "You realize what you did, right?" Dark Choco asked, glancing over at Red Velvet, who looked like an absolute trainwreck: hair was rather messy, dark rings under his eyes. Red Velvet wasn't handling the situation well at all. "Yeah...I do realize... I just...I wish I would've went about it differently...if I could apologize, I would.." Red Velvet sighed. "I see...so if you were given the chance right now to go and apologize and try to make thing's right...would you?" Dark Choco asked, raising an eyebrow. "Absolutely.. I would do it with no hesitation" Red Velvet nodded. "I know where he moved to... I have a friend who lives in the apartments nearby and he said that Licorice moved in next door to him...you need the address..?" Dark Choco said as he turned to face Red Velvet. "N-No..I just need the apartment number is all" Red Velvet shook his head. "Alright.. My friend's apartment number is 42. Of what he's said, Licorice's apartment is to the right of his...you can do this. I'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him. Just be honest and don't put any blame onto him, got it? That'll make things worse" Dark Choco said. "Got it, thank you so much..hopefully this goes well so we can get out of your way..Chiffon! Here boy. Let's go" Red Velvet said as he quickly got up and headed out.

Licorice wasn't handling the situation any better than Red Velvet was. It was rare that Licorice would leave his apartment. As much as Licorice hated to admit it, he knew that he shouldn't have been so selfish like that. It was rather childish and very...possessive. Which was the last thing Licorice wanted to be seen as. Just as he was getting a drink from the fridge, he heard a knock at the door. That's...odd... Licorice thought to himself as he set his drink down and opened the door slightly, only for a small dog to slide in. "Chiffon...!" Red Velvet said in a patronizing tone. "V...? How did you..?" Licorice asked nervously as he opened the door completely, Chiffon then running back out of the apartment to sit right at Red Velvet's feet. "I..I'm sorry about Chiffon...and before you close the door on me..I'm sorry..I'm so sorry for treating you like that..I-I realized what I did wrong, and I won't forgive myself for doing that to you..but I'm hoping you can forgive me..? Y-You don't have to..I-" Red Velvet apologized awkwardly, but was cut off by Licorice quickly pulling him into a tight hug. "Shut up, dumbass....I forgive you...I..I'm also sorry for the way I acted as well..I miss you..." Licorice said, holding back tears that have been threatening to fall. "I missed you too...mind if I come in..? I don't wanna bother your neighbors" Red Velvet said with a soft laugh.

After a lot of catching up, the two officially made up and got back together. Red Velvet swore he'd never put another person above Licorice again. Having Licorice out of his life for about a month was enough to make Red Velvet realize he needed Licorice to be in his life..it just wasn't the same without him.

Red Velvet gently kissed Licorice's cheek, but that wasn't enough for Licorice. Licorice was quick to pull Red Velvet back in for an actual kiss. Red Velvet was thrown off guard, but didn't attempt to pull away. Once Licorice was out of breath, he reluctantly broke the kiss. "S-Sorry...I just really missed that..." Licorice laughed shyly. Red Velvet yanked Licorice close by his shirt collar. "And who said it had to stop there..?" He asked, smirking slightly. Licorice blushed heavily as he made the move and pulled Red Velvet back in for another kiss.

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