Chapter 1

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"Dad?" Fizzy asked once she noticed her stepfather standing in the dining room doorway, looking like he saw a ghost.

"Desmond honey, what's wrong?" Jay asked sweetly to her husband of three years.

"H-harry. He woke up," Desmond said, looking up at his family with tears in his eyes. Everyone at the table said nothing. None of them knew what happened, just that Harry got into an accident and ended up in a coma for five years. None of them have ever met Harry, even though Desmond and Jay had been together for almost five years. "I-I ne-need to go," Desmond said in a rush. He quickly grabbed his keys and wallet before rushing out of the house without another word.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe the fact that his son was finally awake, finally conscious after five long years. However, he knew that Harry would have many questions. Questions that did not have easy answers to them. He didn't know how to approach the subject but pushed that thought aside to focus on getting to the hospital for long-term coma patients.


"Who's Harry?" The four-year-old twin asked.

"Your stepbrother," Jay said sweetly as she patted Daisy's hair.

"You will finally have a brother Lou," Lottie said, and Louis shrugged. "I wonder what he's like."

"Well, we already know that he is a sweetheart and goofball from what Dad has said," Fizzy said, and everyone nodded.

"How old is he now?" Louis asked, and everyone went silent, trying to do the math.

"Well, the accident happened when he was 12, so he should be around 17-18," Jay said.

"So, either the same age as Lottie or a year older and a year or two younger than me?" Louis asked no one in particular, and Jay nodded.

"Well, I can't wait to meet him," Lottie said excitedly, and everyone agreed.


Desmond was standing outside of Harry's room and took a deep breath in before opening the door. He froze in his spot when he saw that the top part of Harry's bed was now sitting slightly up, so it was more in a sitting position, and Harry's eyes were open. Harry turned his head slowly when he heard the door, and tears welled up in his eyes when he saw his father standing there.

Desmond ran over to Harry and immediately hugged him tightly and didn't try to stop the tears falling from his eyes.

"Harry?" Desmond whispered, and Harry nodded. "My boy," Desmond pulled back to scan over a now 17-year-old Harry. "Look at you, so grown up," Desmond wiped the tears falling from Harry's eyes and had a soft smile on his face.

"H-hi," Harry said barely above a whisper, and Desmond cried harder and hugged Harry again.

"I thought I would never see those beautiful green eyes of yours. Or hear you talk ever again. I'm so happy your alive, H," Desmond said into Harry's neck. Harry didn't say anything. He couldn't. He was feeling too much to make himself talk.

"Oh, sorry," the doctor said, walking into the room seeing a father and son reunion.

"It's okay," Desmond said and pulled out and stood beside Harry's bed.

"Hi, Harry. My name is Dr. Halstead, and I've been monitoring you over the years. How do you feel?" Dr? Halstead said and walked closer to Harry.

"Weak," Harry said a little louder but still quiet.

"It's to be expected after not moving for five years. But can you tell me what you last remember?" Harry looked up to the ceiling, thinking, scanning his brain for his most recent memory.

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