Chapter 3

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At the end of the day, Niall left for the cafeteria to meet his mum and stay there until she was done. Harry finally pulled out his phone that he hadn't touched since he got to school and saw that he had a few messages from Louis. Now Harry understood why he caught Louis staring at him all day. He must be wondering why he hadn't answered him, but he hadn't touched his phone once since he forgot that people have his number. He sighed and quickly replied, saying he was sorry that he didn't respond and that he was walking home not to wait up.

He starts making his way home and reflects on his day at school. It wasn't as bad as he thought. He was able to keep his nerves down. This is just a side effect of the accident; his anxiety is getting worse. His therapist says he might have some type of PTSD since when she shined a light in his eye to check his eyes, he may or may not have had a panic attack. But his other triggers are car horns, bright lights, cars swerving, cars, and other things that generally gave him an attack. She also said he has depression, but he doesn't think so. He thinks he is just grieving, but whatever, he just nodded and let her believe what she wanted.

There were times he just spaced out remembering the past before he shook his head and brought himself back to reality.

He didn't rush home and took the full 30 minutes to get back, just enjoying the fresh air.

He decided to put in the number of the tutor and introduce himself. He doesn't want to do this, but he has to make an appointment by the end of the week, and it is mandatory for him, which he found odd but didn't question. He only hopes that the person is friendly and doesn't pry.

He sees Louis's car in the driveway by the time he gets home, so he knows they are home. He unlocks the house and walks in, and heads straight for his room. He got to his floor when he bumped into Louis, and Louis stumbled back. Both boys were looking down, so neither of them saw who was in front of them.

"Sorry," Harry said, grabbing Louis's arm to stable him.

"It's fine," Louis said. "How was your first day?"

"Pretty good. Sorry I didn't reply to your text. I didn't check my phone the whole day, so I didn't see it until I pulled it out to check maps to get back home," Harry said, and Louis was shocked that he had told more than one word. He noticed how slow he speaks and with his deep voice, his voice was soothing.

"Don't worry about it. I saw you in class, so I knew you made it safely, and you weren't killed or something," Louis said and smirked, seeing Harry's cheek tin pink a bit. Harry thought it was cute that Louis was worried about that.

"Not dead," Harry said with a tight smile and walked to his room. "Yet," he muttered to himself and didn't think Louis heard, but Louis did. He watched Harry go into his room and didn't know how to give the lad space but also keep an eye on him. That last word, combined with his isolation, barely eating, over-exercising, is starting to worry Louis a bit. He doesn't know if this is something serious or if this is just a stage of grieving. He could see Niall and Harry talking at school, never saw his smile or laugh. He was talking. He sighs and walks downstairs to grab a snack before going back upstairs. He tells himself that he will do school work when watching a movie and says it's educational.


Dinner rolls around, and Harry and Louis leave their room simultaneously. Harry noticed that he didn't see Lottie or Fizzy anyone else on the floor ever. There are five rooms, but it seems to be only Louis and Harry on this floor.

"We are the only one with the room on this floor. The girls are on the second floor, and mum and dad are in the basement. Guest would usually stay on this floor," Louis explained, noticing Harry's confusion, and he nodded.

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