Chapter 7

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"Where are we going?" Harry asked when he was being pulled out of the house by Louis. They were both wearing warm comfy clothes since it was getting cold and the snowfall didn't help the temperature much.

"You've never actually seen Doncaster fully. I am proud that I am from Doncaster, so I am taking you on a tour but less of the town and more on my childhood. I want to take you to places that mean everything to me, places that hold a special meaning and some places where I did something stupid," Louis said, opening Harry's door for him.

"I can't wait," Harry said and pecked Louis's cheek as a thank you before getting into the car. Louis seemed to freeze by the open door with blushed cheeks and only snapped out of it when Harry was lightly tucking on the door. Louis shook his head and closed the door before jogging over to the driver's side and hopping in.

"Sorry," Louis said just as he pulled out a blindfold from his pocket. Harry glared at him, and Louis only nudged it forward towards Harry with a pleading look in his eyes. "Only in the car, babe."

"Like that makes it better," Harry said with a scoff but took the blindfold either way and tired it around his head. "I'm assuming you won't tell me where we're going?"

"You assumed correct," Louis said with a smirk and pulled out of the driveway.

"I hope you aren't driving me to a forest and killing me," Harry joked.

"Nope, you are too cute to kill before the date," Louis teased back and could sense that Harry had rolled his eyes underneath the blindfold, which he did.

The whole time Harry was trying to use his other senses to figure out where they were, but he hardly knew the town and had no idea what he was looking for. It didn't help that Louis remained quiet the whole ride making Harry anxious.

"We have arrived, your majesty," Louis said, and Harry blindly tried to punch him but ended up getting the chair, and Louis laughed. He got out of the car and ran over and opened Harry's door, and guided him out. He walks Harry around the vehicle, gets behind him, and frowns at the height difference but takes off Harry's blindfold and hears him let out a surprised gasped. "You like?"

"I love," Harry said, spinning around and crashing into Louis in a tight hug.

"Good. When I was younger, I would always come here on my birthday with my family, birthday tradition. Still, I wanted to come here with you alone first," Louis said. Harry pulled back slightly and stared at Louis with so much adoration in his eyes, but sadness flashed over. "Hey, what just happened?"

"I can't skate. I've tried multiple times, but as people always say, I'm like Bambi learning to walk or a drunk giraffe so," Harry said with a pout and Louis chuckled.

"I won't let you go, and if you fall, we both fall," Louis said, and Harry nodded.

They go over to the ice, and Louis gets on first and then holds out his hands for Harry, who looks hesitant but sighs and takes Louis's hand and ever so carefully gets on the ice. He wobbles a bit, but Louis has a tight hold on his waist, so he doesn't fall.

"Okay, I think I'm good," Harry said after a few seconds of them just standing there with Harry trying to balance himself with much help from Louis.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, and Harry nodded. Louis turned their bodies a bit and started skating with Harry holding tightly on him as if his life depended on it.

After a couple of rounds of them going around in circles, Harry finally got more comfortable. He was starting to skate, holding his own weight. The two were fooling around and laughing, which was a bad idea because Harry lost balance and completely fell hard on his back in the middle of the ice rink. Louis just froze where he was standing looking at Harry in shock but also like he wanted to burst out laughing at any moment.

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