Chapter 2

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Three months later

Today was the day that Harry was released from the hospital. He has full function of his body now, and his body has gained much muscle since he had turned to workouts as a coping mechanism. Physically he had made much progress, but mentally he had barely taken a step forward. He could've been released two months ago, but they kept him because they weren't comfortable releasing him since he wasn't in the right mindset. 

Desmond had still yet to tell Harry anything, mainly because he saw a blank look on his face every time he saw Harry. His skin had gained its colour back, but he lost the light in his eyes, and Desmond couldn't bring himself to do it. Harry had also barely talked to him. He only said hi, bye and loved you too. Desmond hadn't seen him smile once, hadn't seen any emotion from Harry. 

They were in the car, and Desmond was nervously biting his lip, and Harry was trying to will his body to calm down and not have a panic attack right there. He hates cars now, but he had no choice to get into the car if he wanted to leave. Once they pulled into the driveway and Desmond had stopped the vehicle. Harry quickly hopped out, startling Desmond, who hadn't noticed the way his son was feeling sitting right beside him. Harry looked around the unfamiliar house and knew that they were now in Doncaster instead of Holmes Chapel, but that was it. The house was pretty big, three stories from what Harry could see, but he didn't care about that. He just wanted to get away from the death vehicle as soon as possible. He went to the trunk and took out his bags, and waited for Desmond to open the door.

"Harry, look, a lot has happened-" Desmond started, but the door was swung open. Harry looked at the door to see a feathery caramel-haired blue eye boy standing before him with his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry, dad, we heard your car and thought you might need help," Louis said, and Harry dropped his bag, eyes wide and turned to his father, silently asking why a stranger just called him dad. Desmond sighed and turned to Harry.

"When the accident happened, I was already in a relationship with another woman. We got married two years later, so Harry, this is your older step-brother Louis," Desmond explained. Harry just stared at Desmond, not believing his ears.

"Room," Harry whispered that Desmond barely heard.

"Third floor, last door on your right," Desmond said, and Harry picked up his bag and stepped forward. Louis stepped back, letting him in, and Harry ran to the stairs ignoring the five pairs of eyes on him as he ran upstairs. Desmond walked in and up to his family. "I couldn't tell him before, and I just did. I don't know how he feels about this but judging by the reaction. He isn't happy about it."

"Let him adjust, don't pressure him, alright?" Jay said, looking at her children, who nodded. "I will get started on dinner," Jay kissed Desmond's cheek before walking towards the kitchen.


Harry opened the door to his room and saw a queen size bed in the middle, with a balcony, a walk-in closet, desk, chair, two nightstands on either side of his bed. He also noticed stacks of boxes in the corner with his name and assumed it was his stuff from his old house. He placed his bag on the ground by the door and closed and locked his door. He laid down on his back on the bed. He has a brother now. A stepmother and assumes those four girls are his step-sisters as well. He has a new family, but he doesn't want that. He wants his mother and sister back. He wants to be sitting on their couch watching a movie. His head is on his mother's lap as she plays with his hair, and Gemma is absent-mindedly drawing random patterns on his ankles. He wants to sit and talk with Gemma as they did their nails. He wants to help his mother in the kitchen as she cooks. He wants to see their faces again. Hear their laugh, their voice again. He wants to be in their embrace, in their presence. He wants his life back. He starts to break down in a silent cry, and he lets himself break down since he was alone.

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