Chapter 6

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One Year Later

The past year was filled with many tears and healing for Harry. Being back home around everyone he knew and who knew his family was what he needed to feel connected with his mum and Gemma. Since Holmes Chapel was a small town and everyone knew the Styles. They gathered around at night and talked with everyone and told stories about Anne and Gemma just like they did five years ago when they died. They know that Harry didn't have the chance to experience that, so they redid it for him. Harry spent almost every day at their graves just talking about his day and random topics for a few hours.

He saw a new therapist and had put effort into healing himself and building himself back up into the person he wanted to be. It was rough, to say the least, but Harry made it through with the help of Nick, Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael, his old friend who are still as close as ever. Harry had slipped back into the group so easily as if the past five years had never happened.

He still texted Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn as much as he could, but it became less and less since everyone got busy. He would facetime his father to say hi to the twins and Lottie and Fizzy and Jay. Harry had gotten closer with Lottie and Fizzy, and Jay over time and were constantly texting. Harry even helped with their significant other drama.

He didn't spend time with them during Christmas, but he did send presents home for Christmas and something extra for Louis's birthday. Harry wanted to spend the holidays in Holmes Chapel. He didn't want the Tomlinson/Styles family to change their traditions just for him. He did have a long call with the whole family, and through facetime, he met the rest of the extended family.

School-wise, he was catching up and was looking forward to picking universities and what he wanted to study.

The move was hard but needed, and it helped Harry for the better.

For Louis, it was difficult not having Harry in the house after school, but he adjusted. He was sad when he felt Harry pull away, and for a month, no one heard anything from him. Desmond went to check on him and found that Harry had hit a very low point. It was the month of the accident, so Harry completely pulled away from everyone. Louis wanted nothing but to go and see him but understood he needed his space. During that month was very hard for him because there was zero contact from Harry, and he only heard updates from Desmond, who stayed the whole month to help Harry. After the month, Harry slowly went back to texting. Of course, he apologized for taking a month's break from contacting.

The two would have monthly facetimes where they would completely catch up on everything and talk. They both appreciated the fact that the other person was still putting in the effort. Neither has missed or skipped out on the facetime calls.

Now it was around the holidays, and the Tomlinson/Styles were hosting the Christmas dinner at their place, and they asked if Harry was coming, but Harry said he couldn't. The twins were upset about that but lightened upped when they heard Louis was coming home from University for the holidays.

"LOUIS!" Louis heard multiple voices yell, and soon enough, four familiar heads were running towards him. He opens his arms, ready for the impact of the big group hug.

"Hi girls, how are you all?" Louis asked once they were in the hug.

"Missed you," Fizzy said.

"Missed you too," Louis said, and they stepped out, and Louis gave everyone individual hugs and then a big tight hug to his mum and dad. The parents took his bags up to his room while the siblings went to the living room and caught up with each other. Soon enough, the parents came down, and they made tea and popcorn and talked in the living room for hours. It was nice for everyone to be connected again in person and not through a screen.

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