Second Argument

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After they left the house, a loud silence filled our house. Zara stood in the middle of the room, looking at the door like she's expecting something to happen. I could see she was upset and I wanted to know why.

"Zara?" I called out.


"Baby girl," I said gently. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her body.

I could feel her body shaking as I held her, so I held her tighter. I rubbed along her shoulder as she watched the door. Her skin felt so nice, so soft.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and just like that she exploded.

She shoved me off of her, turning to face me with tears streaming down her red face. She looked more upset then I've seen her so far.

"What's wrong? Seriously Kai?! Should I start with the fact that your beta, or ex girlfriend, or what ever the fuck she is to you, is purposely pissing me off. Maybe I should start with the fact that we never talked about last just gave me head and thought that was enough. Well it's not because she either had fucked you or what's to! I just wish you two would just fuck each other's brains out and leave me alone, oh wait you two probably already have!!" She yelled.

My wolf was on his feet, growling and begging me to let him out. All he's thinking of is making her pay for yelling at him. I couldn't let him out, it'll be like last night. I've gone all my life without letting him break loose, till last night. He's never wanted to come out till we meet her. Now it's so hard to keep him in.

"So you have nothing to say?! What the fuck was tonight? I heard y'all little conversation in the hallway btw. Sleepovers? Y'all have sleepovers like are fucking kidding me? Oh and I'm meant to just be okay with y'all weekly fuck sessions?!" she said, looking even more upset because I took to long to answer trying to keep my wolf in.

"Zara...she's just my best friend, okay-"

"Kai, honestly I don't believe that bullshit. Y'all sleep in the same bed every weekend, ignore your own mates and focus on each other, she brags about how much time y'all spend with each other, hell I'm shocked she didn't brag about your dick" she spat.

Growls came flying out my mouth, it's becoming harder to keep him in!

"Zara the sleepovers are just something we have been doing for over 10 years. It's like a tradition, okay? It's just our thing." I tried to explain calmly.

"Oh, and where am I supposed to be while y'all are cuddling in your, no YALL, bed? On the floor like a pet?" She asked.

"No. I was thinking during that time you could spend time with your family or our pack" I answered, which sent her more anger. I thought that would be the best solution.

"Take me home right fucking now! I will never be like Charles! I will never sit there and allow my mate to treat me like a side chick" She yelled.

My wolf was sent into a panic. She wanted to leave us. She's trying to leave us! He's running all through my head growling and howling his head off. He's slowly breaking loose.

"This is your home, Zara. We can meet in the middle but you are not leaving" I said, my wolf slowly slipping out.

"There is no middle. That sleepover shit is over. You are not single anymore so it's not okay. It should've stopped when Charles came into the picture. How dare y'all disrespect him like that!?" She yelled, her voice starting to crack.

She's defending another male?!

"I can't just stop sleeping over Zara. It's tradition at this point"

She gave me a dry laugh and shook her head.

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