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"What are you doing here?", asks Y/N in the coldest voice she ever spoke.

"What?", Hoseok questioned back her because for the first time he heard Y/N speaking this way.

"I was searching for you and what you think is not true.", Hoseok said.

"Then what it is?", Y/N raised her voice a little.

"That girl is an old friend from my highschool. She came back after years and wanted to reunite with her friends. I swear I didn't forgot about your graduation ceremony. I decided to stay for a while but when we drank, I completely forgot about it. I know it's not a excuse but Y/N believe me I never intended to hurt you. I never intended to leave you all alone on your special day. And I am sorry for not knowing your birthday. I love you Y/N. I really do and it hurts to know that I am the reason for your pain. It hurts to know that I am reason behind your tears. I am really sorry Y/N. I am really sorry.", Hoseok split everything he wanted to. Y/N was also taken aback by Hoseok' sudden confession.

"Look at me.", Y/N said with a little soft voice. But Hoseok had no guts to look in her eyes after what he had done to her. He constantly thought that he failed as a husband. He couldn't keep his promise that he made to Y/N' father.

"I said look at me Hoseok.", Y/N said sternly and Hoseok grabbed some courage and looked in her teary eyes. Looking at her like that was breaking him even more.

"You are sorry na, then make it up to me for your past actions. Prove your love and prove that dad didn't made a wrong choice in choosing you for his daughter.", Y/N said with dominance in her voice and walked out of the scene.

"I'll prove my love to you Y/N and I'll make it up for all the times I hurted you.", Hoseok said with a weak smile.

Time skip:-

It has been 4 months of that confrontation between Hoseok and Y/N. Hoseok tried his best and Y/N could see that too. Moreover, Y/N' dad woke up from coma. This made Y/N happy and also eased up Hoseok' work to gain back Y/N. She didn't said that she forgave him but she was not anymore cold with him.


Hoseok- Get ready. I'll be picking you up at 7. We are going out.

"Going out? What does he mean?", Y/N said  with confusion written on her face but nevertheless she got ready and then waited for Hoseok.

Ding dong~

"It must be Hoseok.", Saying this she went to open the door.

"Are you ready?", Hoseok asked her.

"Hnn", she hummed in reply.

After a drive of 20 minutes, Hoseok stopped the car.

"We are here.", Hoseok said and got out of the car and made his way towards the passenger side door to escort Y/N.

"Thank You.", Y/N said softly. As soon as Y/N stepped outside, Hoseok covered her eyes with his hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?", Y/N questioned.

"Don't worry. It's just a surprise.", Saying this Hoseok lead her to the surprise. As they reached, he took his hands off.

"Wow.", Y/N gasped in utter shock.

"I hope you like it.", Hoseok asked.

"I love it.", Y/N said with a huge smile that Hoseok was missing for this past few months.

As soon as Y/N turned around she found Hoseok on his knees having a ring box in his hand.

"I know Y/N I terribly hurted you with my actions but I seriously love you a lot. I don't know when and how I fell for you but I did and I am happy that I did. I want to spend my rest of the life with you. I want to have kids with you. So Y/N would you give me another chance? Would you give our marriage a second chance?", Hoseok completed his sentence with his eyes holding a thousand hopes in them.
On the other hand Y/N was trying to control her tears which were threatening to fall any moment.

"I love you too Hoseok. I have always loved you and I am willing to spend my whole life with you. I LOVE YOU HOSEOK.", Y/N said out everything that she wanted to say for a long time.

On the other hand, Hoseok immediately placed the ring in her ring finger and connected his lips with her. Enjoying their moment. They both poured every ounce of love they had for eachother.

"Problems are there in every relationship and communication, trust is what you need to carry it. Not only love can keep up the relationship. "


Author's Note:-

Here comes the end of this fanfic and I hope y'all enjoyed it. I know I took a lot of time in completing this and for that I am extremely sorry.


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