Chapter twenty-one

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*Maxon's POV*

"Death is not the end

Nor the final word

Death is a separation

Temporarily Unheard

Death has no power

To keep us apart

A love forged so deeply

In a person's heart

Death creates a veil

And shields us from view

But death can do nothing

To disconnect me from you"

I paused, sobbing slightly, holding a paper in my hands. Inhaling softly, not hiding the tears,I was not going to hide my feelings. Even in front of my people. Dressed in all black, as many of them. Standing by the grave of Freya Soulwound. America looked up at me, wearing a black long-sleeved gown. I saw her walking to stand by my side, and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and we met eyes, she nodded at me.

"It's okay.", she smiled slightly, letting me know she was there for me.

I smiled back and looked down at the gravestone, staring at the name. "Those are the words of Tanya Lord. Freya loved poetry, that was what she wanted to become. She introduced me to it, and reading hers... it deserved to be heard.", I nodded. "We lost many beautiful souls that night of the attack, and Freya was one of them. She died saving the one she loved so I could save the one I love.", I looked at America, placing my hand upon hers. "Freya... she was one of the most kindest persons I had ever met, and a lot of us got to see and embrace that. She did not deserve to leave the world the way she did, even is she saw it as the right thing.", I looked at the audience, meeting eyes with Jent, he inhaled and looked down. I sighed softly. "In honor of her death, I'm going to publish her poems into a real book, so all of you can finally know her by her passionate art. She wanted to share them, and that is exactly what is going to happen.", I nodded. "She deserves it.. and so much more. I'm gonna name it after the last sentence she said to me The Greatest Experience.", he said.

As soon as I said that, more tears just came breaking down. She loved me, and saved me for it. And I knew that, deep inside me, I loved her too, I really did. Dying in my arms, it was one of the worst experiences, I never thought I would go through a thing like that. Some of the audience applauded, in honor of her poems getting published, I looked up and saw that it was Alison, her fake mother. She gave me a kind smile, and beside her stood her real mother, Tatiana. She was in tears, she stopped Alison from applauding.

"We will forever remember Freya by the words she spoke and wrote down, for her stunning appearances, her kind heart and strong belief in the good.", I added, looking down at the ground there her grave was. I was holding the poem book I gave her with my other hand, tightly. "So let us have a minute of silence for Freya Soulwound.". After that, we all were silent for one minute, honoring Freya's life.

I remembered all the times with her, the good and the bad. How we met, got to know each other, kissed, fought, embraced one another, laughed, our midnight getaways, and her last heroic stunt. Saving me. I had talked to Paul, just before I let him get killed for being a rebel and killing a Selected. I haven't told anyone about Freya's true identity, not even America, but I planned to do that, she was about to be my wife. She should know.

After the funeral, I stayed at the gravestone, looking at her name.

"Freya Soulwound.

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