Time To Go

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I woke up the next morning with Kai's arms around me. He held me so tight, keeping me warm the whole night. I felt better after last night's argument. The sleepovers had to go. It's no woman in her right mind that would be okay with her significant other sleeping in the same bed with another woman.

I knew I didn't like her for a reason. At first I thought it was just jealousy, now I know it was a warning.

I tried to sit up a little to stretch, but he just held me tighter. I fought against him for about 2 minutes before giving up. The more I fought the tighter he held. At this point I'm fighting for my life.

"Kai I gotta pee" I said, laying back down.

"Five more minutes" he said in the sexiest voice ever. I bit my lip as my vagina formed a heart beat of its own. He was actually really attractive when he wasn't pissing me off.

"I'll pee on you!" I threatened.

"And I'll kick your ass" he chucked, hitting my butt.

"Then let me go, asshole," I said, hitting his arm.

"Fine, but you better come back," he said, letting me go.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. Where was I going to go?

I walked into his bathroom that was thankfully connected to his room. It was pretty nice here for a boys bathroom.

After doing my business I walked over to the sink where I saw 2 toothbrushes. One labeled with an 'A' and the other with a 'M'.

I chucked to myself and threw hers in the trash. Laughing for me is another way of showing anger. When I'm pissed off I laugh to stop myself from doing something I might regret.

I thought about taking some extra toilet paper and covering it, but if he sees it and puts it back I'll know something. She has no need to have a toothbrush here because she's not staying the night.

I jumped when I saw his reflection in the mirror. He stood there in his boxers, scratching the back of his neck.

"Good morning" he greeted, kissing my cheek. "I brought this from your bag" he said, handing me my toothbrush.

How ironic.

I took it from his hand and started brushing my teeth. He picked up his and did the same.

After he was done brushing our teeth I noticed him looking for something. I knew what he was looking for and I didn't care.

"Have you seen Abigail's toothbrush?" He asked, lifting up items.

"Yeah I threw it away since she's not spending the night anymore" I shrugged. I was going to come up with an excuse but that's pointless..

He didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and walked out the bathroom.

I scrunched your face and followed him. Did he think I was playing about the sleep overs? Is he upset?

"Get some clothes on, we have a meet and greet in 2 hours" he said, sitting on his bed.

I walked over to him and climbed in his lap. "You're not mad?" I asked, just to clarify.

He started rubbing my arm then rested on his chest and shook his head. "I'm not mad, I just wish you would've told me first"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted it gone" I said honestly. I didn't want to look at it.

"You're okay, baby girl. Get dressed okay?" He said, patting my butt.

I nodded at him and walked over to my suitcase. I have to put my stuff up soon.

"Should I dress professional, formal, casual? I asked, looking over my options.

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