"That's for not playing nice."

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Jay's POV

All I wanted to do is go home, take a hot shower and go to bed. I never should have gone to Molly's. I should've just gone home and gone to bed. I blame it on Will for breathing his germs on me when he came over the other day.

I'm basically trudging to my car, which feels a million miles away, even though it's just on the next street, when a big, tall guy in a mask and dark clothes steps in front of me on the sidewalk. I'm about to react when two carbon copies of said big guy step up behind me and grab my arms. I'm not going anywhere.

"Hi Jay, let's go for a ride."

The first guy said with a friendly attitude that was anything BUT friendly.

"Hey, thanks for the offer but my car's parked just down the street."

"Jay, Jay, Jay.This isn't negotiable."

Jay looked around, "Did you guys call each other or is it an accident that you're all wearing the same outfit?"

"Let's go." The first guy said with a nod to Big Guy 2 and 3.

'Fuck,' was my only thought as the adrenaline kicked in. In one fluid motion, using the big guys that are holding me as leverage, I swing my right leg up and around, kicking the guy in front of me on the left side of his face knocking him to the ground. The momentum of the kick allowed me to break the grip of the guys holding me as I swung around, now facing them.

I punch the guy on the right, then immediately aimed a kick to the gut of the guy on the left, eliciting a grunt as the kick found its target. While neither fell, they both stumbled backwards giving me more room to maneuver and hopefully get to my gun. That was when the original big guy rabbit punched me twice in the kidney, making me arch my back, crying out in pain. This allowed one of them, he was losing track of who was who, to punch him in the jaw, while the other one drove his fist into my stomach.

He was still bent over from the gut punch when he felt something sharp, shit, jam into the side of his neck. He cried out through clenched teeth as he reached back and ripped it out of his neck. An empty syringe. Whatever was in the syringe was now in him.

Panic sent another burst of adrenaline through him as he continued to struggle against the two, who again, had a hold of him. One of them threw another punch, connecting with my cheek, snapping his head back. That's when things got fuzzy and whatever was in that syringe started taking hold. He could feel himself slipping into oblivion. He sunk to his knees as the big guys continued to hold him.

The original guy, their leader, walked around Jay. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head in mock disappointment as he looked at the young man on his knees in front of him. His sweatshirt riding up, showing a bare midriff, his useless gun tucked into his waist band and meaningless badge clipped onto his belt. He was struggling to keep his head up, still trying to fight the drug and not succeeding.

Grabbing Jay by the hair, the leader jerked his head back, looked into his eyes and smiled at him. Jay tried to look back with what he hoped was defiance as the world spun around him. He refused to show fear. One eye closed, hoping it would help him focus, he plastered a shit kicking smile on his face as the leader took his gun and badge and handed it to one of his men.

He continued to look at Jay with that same sadistic smile and then quickly landed a jab on Jay's bare torso, forcing Jay to cry out. "That's for not playing nice."

Jay's eyes closed, the fight gone as his body slumped even more, head falling to his chest. Jay's last thought as he slipped into the darkness was of Erin.


The man stared a few more seconds then reached into Jay's pockets for his keys, wallet and phone, handing them to the man holding Jay's other possessions.

"Park his car in the alley facing south. Leave everything in it. Bruce is there waiting for you."

The other big man was lifted Jay's limp body over his shoulder.

"Bring him."

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