The End

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5 Hours Later

He touched his neck were the pacing wires disappear into his body and groaned.

"Hey...don't touch that...don't think you're supposed to touch that bro."

Will entered just in time to hear Kevin's statement and saw the question on his brother's face. "Pacing wires. We'll remove them in a day or two..."


Kevin held the straw to give Jay some water, "Wet your whistle bro. You sound like a frog."

Jay's lip twitched, the seed of a smile, but that's as far as he got before Will explained 'pacing wires.'

"The bastards shocked you quite a few times, bud. It wreaked havoc on your body's electrical system so the wires will help your heart get back to a normal rhythm. Do you remember what happened?"

Jay closed his eyes trying to draw any memory of who the 'bastards' were and why they put him in the hospital to the foreground, but nothing budged from the recesses of his mind. He shook his head. He's got nothing.


It's barely a whisper but the pain in that one word was a siren.

Both men saw the pain on Jay's face but before Will sent him back to la la land, Kevin wanted to relieve any fear that might reside with in Jay.

"We got'm though man...they can't hurt you anymore."

Jay gave a slight nod and a weak thumbs up to his teammate and then searched unsuccessfully for the button to deliver more morphine. All he knew was; he's in pain, doesn't really care what caused it at this point and just wants it to go away.

Will, grateful they couldn't hurt his brother anymore, untangled the remote for the PCA from the sheets, hit the button administering a dose of morphine, then put it in Jay's hand.

Moaning through tight lips, he scrunched his eyes closed, "Shit..."

"Hold on bud...relief's coming."

He ran his hand through Jay's hair until his body started to relax.

"Go to sleep Jay. You'll feel better when you wake up."


2 Days Later

This morning was the first time he woke up and actually stayed awake and with it for any period of time. He was in a regular room, his fever was down, he was off oxygen and the morphine pump was doing a good job of taking care of the pain.

He croaked out a 'Hey' to his team and turned his head looking for water.


Erin held the cup for him while he took a few sips, caught his breath, then took a few more.

"Thanks Er."

She smiled and sat down but the room remained quiet, his return to wakefulness had obviously interrupted something. They were all looking at him with weird expressions on their faces.

He scanned the team and asked in a voice hoarse from disuse, "What?"

"You got some mad fighting skills Jay."

He tilted his head and looked at Ruz through one eye, like that would help him understand the question.


"They had you on a live feed. We saw you take down those two guys with, basically, one arm tied behind your back."

"Technically chained to a wall."

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