Jay Halstead - BAMF

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His face fills the screen again. "Much better! I'll leave the camera on so you can spend some quality time with Detective Halstead. I'm going to leave both sides muted though, so don't waste your breath."

The asshole walks away and they see light in the corner of the screen appear briefly before it disappears; a door opening and shutting.

They all continue looking at the screen hoping Jay will wake up but he doesn't. He continues to lay flat on his back, trembling, one leg bent, bare foot resting against the other leg. One arm is thrown wide while the arm cuffed to the wall is bleeding from where the cuff cut into the wrist. His head is turned towards us. Looking at him we can see he's in pain, even though he isn't quite conscious.

Voight huffs out an angry breath and works his jaw. "Al, get on the phone and track down this CI. The rest of you I want going through Jay's files and going over those pictures. Start with the one with the Blackhawks game in the background. Pin down the date with who they're playing and get the video from Molly's. Let's see if we can identify the "selfie" taker. Mouse monitor the screen. Let us know if there's any movement."

Once we have our marching orders, Voight goes in his office and slams the door. They're running out of time and can all feel the pressure.



It's been a couple of hours of a whole lot of nothing. At one point we got excited because we figured out the date of the Blackhawks game and learned from Gaby that based on the angle we described a camera was probably pointing right at their suspects face. But then she told us that back up is only three weeks. They were a month and a half too late to get the video they needed. So everything was a bust and we were all standing on the edge of panic, when Mouse calls us quickly back to the monitor.

Jay hasn't moved, except for the tremble that occasionally ripples through his body. He definitely has a fever and laying on a cement floor in only his jeans, isn't helping anything. He's breathing, but's been unconscious the entire time.

We gather and watch as one of the assholes marches over to Jay and kicks him in the leg. When Jay doesn't stir, he lifts Jay's head up by the hair and sees he's still unconscious. He lets Jay's head drop and starts to turn when 'unconscious' Jay springs in to action, kicking the guy in the nuts, then sweeping his legs out from under him. The asshole rolls on the floor grabbing his crotch in pain. Jay drives his heel into the guys chest, then lands a couple of blows to the guys head with his non-dominant hand. Then for good measure, Jay punches the guy in the throat, rendering him unconscious.

Just as Jay takes care of the first guy, another goon runs into the frame and goes after Jay. We have no idea what we're watching but the moves Jay puts on this guy are right out of the UFC. What makes it even more impressive is Jay does it with one hand cuffed to the wall. We are all in awe of Jay, stunned by the fact that he was playing possum and then the beat down he handed these two guys. I wish we had sound, we could cheer Jay on, talk to him, let him know he wasn't alone.

Jay takes care of this guy with one final move. Somehow he gets his legs around the guys chest, ankles locked. Then Jay bucks his hips and twists to the side at the same time, smashing the guys head in to the wall, sending him to a painful oblivion.

Jay gets up on his knees, ass to heel and bends over in obvious pain. That's when we all see that somewhere in the fight he dislocated the shoulder of the arm attached to the wall. He sits back up and takes a few deep breaths, keeping an eye on the door. He leans against the wall for a second facing his cuffed hand. After a moment he grabs the wrist of his injured arm, takes a couple of deep breaths, then slowly Jay bends forward, keeping his injured arm from moving. There is a visible jerk to his body and he throws his head back, eyes scrunched shut and teeth clenched in a silent scream.

Adam looks at all of us, "What did he just do?"

Mouse answers like this is nothing new. "Popped his shoulder back in place."

"What the hell?"

"Jesus Jay..."

Mouse sighs, "Ya..."

Jay sits back, takes in another breath, then grabs the guy closest to him, pulls him closer and starts go through his pockets with a trembling hand.

His eyes are glassy and the tremor in his body is more pronounced, the fever, pain or adrenaline kicked it up a notch. A few times, he sits back on his heels and bends over, free arm going to his ribs. He looks up with a grimace and continues his search, checking the door every few seconds.

Frustration is evident on his face when he doesn't find a key for the handcuffs. He gives the bigger guy's foot a violent yank and pulls him closer. The guy has to weigh at least 250 and Jay moves him like it's nothing. Adrenaline is a wonderful thing. Jay goes though this guy's pockets. The shaking in his hand is worse, slowing down his search, and again comes up empty. You don't have to be good at reading lips to get what he's saying. He gives his handcuffed arm a yank, then bends over in pain grabbing his shoulder. He sits on his ass, then kicks the leg on the guy closest to him.

After a moment of quiet frustration, Jay's back on his knees, breathing heavily and wincing the whole time as he goes through their pockets again, still coming up empty, then pats them down. No key, no weapons. He gives the goon's foot a yank in frustration. His eyes flick to the door, then he sits against the wall, pulling his bare feet towards his body, resting his uncuffed arm against his ribs. His head rests on his knees for a second then he lifts it and looks at the unconscious goon's. He leans his head back against the wall, closes his eyes and gives the wall a couple of knocks with the back of his head in frustration and anger. That's gunna hurt once he has the inevitable adrenalin crash.

Our anxiety level is through the roof. Jay has taken out two of the guys. The third one is around somewhere. There will be retribution for what he's done.

As soon as I have that thought, Jay's head snaps up. Someone has come into the room. A second later, two taser darts hit him, one in the chest, the other in the shoulder. He immediately starts convulsing as the electricity pulses through him. The wrist in the handcuff is jerks violently to the point where blood starts to run slowly down his arm. Finally, the convulsing stops and Jay is left trembling as the last of the electricity runs its course.

The guy with the taser walks to Jay. You can tell by the body language that he's yelling at him. It's probably a waste of breath 'cuz Jay doesn't really look with it. The guy continues to yell and then starts to pepper in kicks to Jay's torso to go along with his verbal barrage. He finally slows down and stands over Jay and says something to him. He hits the button on the taser again and watches as Jay jerks, his back arching, extreme pain evident on his face; his screams are silent on our end. When Jay is still and gasping for breath, the guy crouches down and says something that elicits what looks like a mumbled 'fuck you' from Jay. The guy stands and looks down at Jay. 'No, fuck you.' Then kicks him in the head.  

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