Inevitable: Part 2

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 2: Invincible

As summer progressed, Scarlett started working out with Evelyn, although at first, she could hardly keep up. Weighing in at 173 pounds, Scarlett had gained just under forty pounds of excess fat her freshman year. With bloated breasts, a chunky spare tire, and an overly plump butt, Scarlett had a long road ahead of her to return to her formerly thinner glory.

By the time late August approached, Scarlett had managed to shrink her bloated body down to 161lbs for her sophomore year of college. Even though dropping 12 pounds wasn't a ton of weight, a lot of Scarlett's excess fat had transitioned into firmer muscle. She still looked chunky, but her body appeared more thick than utterly fat.

While Scarlett had struggled to improve her fitness over the summer, Evelyn ran, swam, and lifted her way into pristine physical condition. In her eyes, she was a workout warrior, and nothing was going to bring her down. While her weight continued to hover around 125 pounds, Evelyn succeeded in accumulating more athletic definition around her thighs, abs and arms. She was ready to start her freshman year at the peak of her physical perfection.

Move-in day came and went, and Evelyn achieved her first major milestone, making a friend at college. Her name was Adrianna, and she was Evelyn's roommate. Adrianna was 5'7 and possessed a slender pear-shaped build. Her long jet-black hair was as straight as could be, quite the opposite of Evelyn's blonde curly locks. Adrianna was Puerto Rican and spoke Spanish as fluently as she spoke English. Right off the bat, Evelyn knew Adrianna would be a great tutor for her upcoming Spanish course this semester.

Like Evelyn, Adrianna had been active with sports in high school and wasn't on any teams in college. Evelyn thought she had found her gym buddy, but Adrianna was not as enthusiastic about exercise as Evelyn was. In fact, Adrianna and Evelyn differed on a lot of things, such as nutrition.

"I've never met someone who likes to down tasty cakes before going on a jog. Don't you think that's a little counterintuitive?" Evelyn had questioned after convincing Adrianna to join her on a jog exploring their new college town of Adamsville, South Carolina.

"Ehh, if I get fat, I get fat. So what? I'll get serious and lose weight if it becomes an issue." Adrianna shrugged, as she polished off the last of her honeybun and tugged on Evelyn's shirt to follow her out the door, "Come on boobs, let's go."

Evelyn wasn't crazy about the nickname Adrianna had affectionately given her during orientation.

At first, she'd thought 'boobs' was funny. Adrianna had expressed some jealousy surrounding Evelyn's big endowments. And Evelyn had expressed her own jealousy of Adrianna's considerably smaller bust size. It had been a nice little bonding conversation, but then after some of the other freshman in their hallway heard Adrianna calling her that, they started to refer to her as 'boobs' too.

The nickname felt a little different when it was coming out of the mouths of strangers Evelyn had hardly met yet. And worse still, there was nothing Evelyn could do about it. She didn't want to sour things with her roommate after getting off to such a good start, and it wasn't like she could hide the fact that she had such a nice rack.

Apart from the nickname fiasco, Evelyn's semester started splendidly. The first week of school she attended all of her classes and enjoyed each one, she made it to the gym every day, called her long-distance boyfriend every night, and she was even introduced to some new friends that Adrianna had made, Kendra and Hope. They were not as extraverted as Adrianna but had quickly gravitated toward Adrianna's charisma much like Evelyn had.

Kendra was a kindhearted girl from Chicago. She was tall, about 5'9, and pretty chubby. Though her dark hair was fashioned into fairly long braids, her big butt was her most noticeable feature. She had a very bottom-heavy hourglass frame with a bit of a chubby gut to boot.

Hope was another story all together. A Korean international student, Hope spoke fluent English, was easily excitable, and was eager to solidify her new friend group in America. By far the smallest and skinniest of the group, Hope was only 5'0 and roughly 103 pounds.

Still, getting familiar with one another the first weekend really solidified the group's friendship. Evelyn had proposed a movie night on Saturday, but Adrianna wanted to party so that's what the four young college coeds did.

And boy were they thankful! Having the time of their lives, Evelyn, Kendra, Hope and Adrianna drank their fair share of alcohol and partied like they never had before. The crew received plenty of male attention which they reciprocated, with the exception of Evelyn who was trying to maintain her long-distance boyfriend.

The first few weeks of school fell into a familiar pattern, since classes hadn't really picked up yet, the girls had a lot of free time on there hands. They spent their time going out two, three or maybe even four nights per week. After partying the crew would usually crash the local taco joint for late night tacos or quesadillas. On Thursdays, a local pizzeria had a half-price deal on chicken wings, so they made a habit of grabbing food there before going out.

Overall, the first few weeks of college were a total and complete field day for Evelyn. Sure, she was practically eating four meals a day thanks to her late-night binges, but dancing and clubbing with her new friends was too fun to resist! Even though her college diet was chalk-full of fried foods, carbohydrates, and ice cream, she weighed herself and was pleased to discover that she hadn't gained a single pound! It made sense, she was still getting to the gym four times per week and hadn't noticed any changes in her physical fitness yet, so she figured she was in the clear.

She wasn't lazy like Scarlett. She wasn't going to let herself get fat freshman year. If anything, Evelyn began to adopt Adrianna's mentality. She'd deal with her weight if it became an issue, but right now she felt invincible. It was the beginning of college, and her experience so far was pretty much a dream come true!

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