Inevitable: Part 9

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 9: From Workout Warrior to Couch Potato

It should go without saying that Evelyn's spring break was not good for her weight loss or physical fitness.

The overly plump hourglass of a young woman had mindfully brought running clothes to Panama City, Florida. She'd intended to run every morning to try and offset the influx of empty alcohol calories she'd endure during the afternoons. However, in actuality, the only place she ever ran in her undersized running clothes was to the store for ice cream.

When she wasn't stuffing her face, Evelyn's days over break were spent watching TV in her cushy hotel room, sunbathing at the beach, raging at parties, and ignoring just how much she was consuming. Her appetite had grown out of control. She ate when she drank, she ate when she smoked, she ate at clubs, she ate on the boardwalk, she even managed to stuff herself with cheese fries when her friends made an unexpected visit to an arcade.

Evelyn was no longer the chubby girl of the group, she'd graduated, both in mannerisms and in her overfed figure to the bona-fide fatty of the four freshman coeds. Kendra had slimmed down and clearly sported the thinnest, most desirable feminine figure of the group, even if her booty was still a bit chunky. Adrianna had managed to regain her slight potbelly over the course of the spring semester, although her weight hadn't escalated as far out of control as it had last semester, yet. Hope it seemed was finally following in Evelyn's footsteps, the shortest of the group, Hope's freshman 15 had been late coming but it showed rather obviously. The Korean exchange student's body had inflated in every direction, she'd grown thicker all over and even sported some noticeable chub around her lower belly.

One day toward the end of break, Evelyn was bold enough to comment on the change in Hope's figure...

The sun was setting, and Evelyn had fallen into a stuffed food coma while tanning on the beach. Kendra and Adrianna had already left to get ready and pregame for their last night out over their vacation. Alone, and watching over Evelyn, Hope couldn't help, but find herself fascinated with her plump and bloated American friend.

Watching Evelyn breath in and breath out, it was quite preposterous how much her round watermelon of a gut rose upward and fell with each cycle of air. It even pushed out past her massively bloated breasts, which was saying something. Evelyn's mammoth mammaries were the largest Hope had ever seen.

Gazing down at her own chest, Hope felt woefully inferior. Not only were her breasts rather small, but she'd also developed an undeniable roll of fat just below her belly button.

"Complements of hanging out with Evelyn too much no doubt." Hope muttered to herself, as she was suddenly struck with a wonderful idea to pass the time until Evelyn awoke.

Grabbing a nearby bucket, Hope began scooping up sand into it. She intended to see if she could burry Evelyn before the overweight party girl had the wherewithal to wake up.

About 20 minutes later, Hope got her answer.

"Ehh! Where did all this sand come from??" Evelyn grunted groggily. It felt like someone had been sitting on her, but to her surprise, when she'd opened her eyes, she'd just been buried under a huge pile of sand. The only part of her that was free was her face.

"That's what you get for falling asleep on me." Hope teased, while she headed back toward Evelyn from the shoreline.

Unable to see over the mound of sand weighing her down, Evelyn tried to wiggle herself free of Hope's little prank, only to realize there was too much sand on top of her to escape. Sounding slightly desperate, Evelyn responded, "Why did you bury me in so much?? I can't move!"

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