Inevitable: Part 4

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 4: Envy

The time from homecoming to the week of Halloween was madness, absolute madness. Not only was excitement building on campus due to the closeness of Hallowweekend, but one late-night when Evelyn was grabbing a slice of pizza with Adrianna, Kendra, and Hope, her school flex account went dry!

Such an unfortunate setback meant that Evelyn now had to dip into her precious debit dollars in order to satisfy her hungry late-night desires. While the food on campus was relatively cheap, Evelyn found it more economical to start going to the grocery store on Mondays to buy her 'study fuel' in bulk.

Unfortunately for Evelyn's waistline, 'study fuel' consisted of cups of ramen noodles, mac and cheese packs, buttery microwavable popcorn, and plenty of smores supplies. Before she knew it, the chesty young college coed had become a master at crafting cheap and savory late-night delicacies. Adrianna, Kendra, and Hope all agreed that Evelyn's microwavable smores tasted on par with anything any of them had ever crafted with a roaring campfire.

In preparation for Halloween, Evelyn decorated her dorm room with fake cobwebs and pictures of ghosts, witches, and all manner of ghoulish creatures. For her part, Adrianna was happy to contribute a big bowl of fun-sized M&M's, Snickers, Milky Way Bars, Take-Fives, and Kit-Kats.

Evelyn was on cloud nine. She was even being super productive with schoolwork, so she'd have plenty of time to hang out with her friends on Halloween and Hallowweekend! Although, what exactly the group was going to do was still an open discussion...

"Come on guys! Trick or treating will be fun!" Evelyn urged desperately. The lukewarm reception to her idea was admittedly bumming her out a little.

"We're too old to be trick or treating," Adrianna waved off Evelyn's suggestion yet again, as she played with the crumbs on her empty lunch plate, "besides everybody's going to dress up Halloween weekend anyway. So, what's the point of getting all costumed up on a Thursday?"

"Actually, that bar on main street is offering half price on all drinks if you show up in costume Halloween night." Kendra added in Evelyn's defense for a change. Normally Kendra just went along with whatever Adriana said.

"I thought Thursday was trivia night?" Hope muttered a bit confused.

"Thursday is trivia night, but since it's Halloween they've also got the drink deal." Kendra informed her.

"Halloween trivia sounds fun." Evelyn added supportively, before sneaking in, "We could go trick or treating before trivia!"

"Why do you keep pushing this?" Adrianna blurted a bit fed up with Evelyn's excitement.

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