Inevitable: Part 7

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 7: The Holiday Slump

Once finals and fall festivities had come to an end and snowflakes began to fall, things got bad for Evelyn. Her boyfriend of two years broke up with her shortly after she returned home for winter break. It was too cold outside for Evelyn to contemplate exercise as a coping mechanism for the breakup, besides, her motivation was lost. Instead, for her long winter break, Evelyn moped around on the couch, staying in, night after night, ordering pizza and drowning her sorrows in excessive amounts of ice cream.

As the weeks dragged by, Evelyn began to notice her comfy pajamas and sweats growing a bit... tighter. In fact, the fabric of anything she chose to wear appeared... stretched. At this point, Evelyn could subconsciously feel herself packing on an extra pound or two every week, but she didn't care.

'The freshman 15 is supposed to happen, right?' Evelyn thought to reassure herself.

She was beginning to accept that her original plan to stay in shape was failing. In her mind, she just wanted to get the fattening experience over with so she could eventually shed her newly pudgy cocoon and emerge in the spring as the beautiful butterfly she had always been throughout high school. Evelyn made it her goal to get back into decent shape once the spring semester started. By spring break, she'd be back to her old self. Until then, well...

Winter break was like Thanksgiving break, but worse, it lasted for nearly eight weeks. Sitting on her couch while watching four seasons of SVU, five times through, was not good for Evelyn's body. She indulged without hesitation or restraint. Her parents were not ignorant to what was happening but didn't know how to broach the sensitive topic.

"Honey, don't you think you should get out of the house and visit with your friends?" Evelyn's mom squeaked from the kitchen doorway, as her growing daughter warmed up her latest snack in the microwave.

Clothed in only a stretched pair of panties and an undersized tank top, it was apparent that Evelyn had grown out the little muffin top she'd brought home from college into a full-blown beer gut. It was so plush and round now that her swollen breasts could actually touch it as the heavy weight of them slightly reduced their youthful perkiness. Not taking her eyes off of her microwavable mozzarella sticks, Evelyn replied, "All my friends are Rob's friends and he's the last person I want to run into right now."

Evelyn figured to herself that she'd run into Rob again once she got back in shape in the spring. Could there be a more perfect revenge? When she was looking fit and fabulous, she'd make him realize the mistake he'd made by dumping her so unceremoniously...

For New Years Eve, Evelyn stayed home alone. She was content to lazy around the house and watch TV. As luck would have it, her parents went to off to a party and forgot the cake they were supposed to bring, so Evelyn decided to indulge.

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