Inevitable: Part 6

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 6: Panqueques!

At home for Thanksgiving break, it was easier for Evelyn to ignore the early warning signs that she was gaining weight. She wore stretchy jeggings, t-shirts, leggings, sweatpants and pajamas. Her twin sister Scarlett hadn't returned home from her school. She'd recently gotten a new boyfriend and was spending the holiday with his family across the country. So, Evelyn didn't have a sibling to poke fun at the slight accumulation of pudge beginning to form below her swollen boobs.

Evelyn cherished her long weekend. This small taste of life as the only child, was the stuff she dreamed of growing up. So, she savored every second she got to spend with her mom and dad without her sister stealing the spotlight. On Thanksgiving Day, as was tradition, Evelyn stuffed her body to the point where she hated everything about herself and, apart from noticing her mother giving her more than a few judgmental glances, Evelyn thought nothing of her excessive gluttony.

It was apparent to Evelyn's mother and father that their youngest daughter had put on the freshman fifteen. Her father, to his credit, didn't care one way or the other. His only concern was that his daughter was happy and healthy.

Her mother was another story; however, she hid her irritation surrounding her daughter's noticeable weight gain. The thing she wanted above all else was for both of her daughters to end up with good men, her only worry was that Evelyn and Scarlett might get too fat to attract the people they desired...

Back at school, finals loomed on the horizon. With late nights spent studying, came a never-ending supply of sweet and salty snacks. At this point in the semester, the cafeteria opened up at midnight to accommodate the needs of the cramming student body.

With Kendra and Adrianna starting to watch their weights more seriously, that meant that Evelyn's late night cafeteria buddy became Hope by default.

"Pancakes?" Hope questioned Evelyn's food choice the night before her Spanish final.

"Panqueques!" Evelyn cheerfully blurted thinking that Hope was still trying to help her study her Spanish vocab.

"No, I mean why are you eating pancakes?" Hope explained, as she watched Evelyn douse her stack of four pancakes in thick syrup.

"I love pancakes. My dad used to make me pancakes every Sunday morning growing up." Evelyn revealed, as she cut into her midnight meal and took her first big bite.

Gazing at how Evelyn's sweatshirt was riding up high enough to reveal the bottom of her belly. Hope showed some concern, "Should you really be eating all that?"

"If they didn't want me to eat pancakes then they shouldn't offer them in the café." Evelyn replied not really comprehending what Hope was saying. She was too focused on filling her growling gut.

"I don't know how you eat all that." Hope muttered in disbelief, as Evelyn demolished her stack of pancakes before her very eyes.

"It's easy! It's sooo good!" Evelyn cheerfully expressed, as she felt something rising in her throat, "*Buuurrppp!*"

"Excuse you." Hope muttered looking grossed out.

"Thanks, yeahh, excuse me," Evelyn blushed, while she felt another bubble rising up her throat again. This one felt bigger, "*BBburrrrrpppp!*"

"Eww, that one was so loud!" Hope cringed.

"Pardon me! I guess I ate those pancakes too fast. Aren't you going to eat anything?" Evelyn wondered. She was starting to feel embarrassed that she was making such a pig of herself while Hope refrained from eating anything.

"I'm not hungry." The Korean exchange student shrugged.

"Come on, grab a cookie with me, I'm not full yet." Evelyn motioned, as she rose to her feet and subconsciously tugged her sweatshirt down to cover her slightly exposed gut.

"No thanks." Hope shook her head, as her eyes noticed the sweatshirt rise up again once Evelyn let go.

Not wanting to continue her late-night binge session alone, Evelyn argued, "You don't have to be hungry to eat."

"You don't have to be full to stop eating." Hope fired right back in a feisty manner.

Stepping up to Hope, and pulling her to her feet, Evelyn ended the dispute with a growl, "If you don't grab a cookie with me, I'm going to shove one down your throat when I get back here."

It was at that moment that Hope realized that Evelyn felt guilty about how much food she was stuffing herself with. She wanted her to indulge so she'd feel better about herself. Giving in, Hope relented, "Alright alright, one cookie. Geez! You don't have to threaten me."

"Haha, apparently I do." Evelyn laughed feeling very pleased she got her way, "C'mon! Let's get some while they're warm!"

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