Inevitable: Part 10

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 10: Acceptance

With her freshman year of college squarely behind her, Evelyn returned home for the summer a larger person than when she'd first left. Evelyn arrived home a week before her sister. Her mother was far from pleased about the sorry state of her overinflated feminine figure but hadn't taken any serious measures against Evelyn's newfound laziness.

No, the real bomb Evelyn was bracing for was when Scarlett got home and took a good look at how fat she'd grown. That bomb went off five minutes after Scarlett pulled into the driveway and meandered her way into the kitchen...

Speechless, Scarlett watched Evelyn waddle around the room. The old tank top Evelyn wore basically looked so tight it could be mistaken for a cheap sports bra. Scarlett couldn't help admiring how her sister's newfound belly spilled over the waistband of her newly purchased stretchy pink booty shorts, as she bent down and reached into the fridge. Finding her voice, Scarlett couldn't help, but taunt her formerly smug sister, "Wow, you really went from skinny to mom bod after only one year."

Turning around and feeling her rage building internally, Evelyn bit her tongue. Unfortunately for the former high school athlete, her sister was right. It was undeniable. Freshman year had ruined her perfect figure.

Gone was the flat stomach, in its place jiggled a full-blown beer belly. Her breasts had grown much bigger and heavier. The sheer weight of them caused them to lose some of their signature perkiness. Her arms had accumulated some more heft. Even her facial features had softened considerably, removing the angular quality they once had. Yet, the damage wasn't only limited to her upper body. Gone were Evelyn's sleek runners' thighs, in their place now stood two thick, toneless tree trunks. Behind her, Evelyn's butt had grown so thick, that when she sat down, she felt six inches taller.

As of last night, when she weighed herself, it was official, Evelyn was 201 pounds of pure fat. She'd gained 75 pounds freshman year, about 35 more than her sister had.

Scarlett on the other hand had gotten her weight under control, she still weighed a bit more than she did in high school, but at 146lbs, Scarlett was back to looking seductive, thick and curvy.

"Can you stop picking on me, putting on weight is inevitable freshman year, remember?" Evelyn sheepishly replied hoping her sister would leave her alone.

"Should have listened to my advice." Scarlett nearly laughed at her twin sister's misfortune.

Swallowing her pride, and resting her hands on her widened hips, Evelyn grunted, "Do you have any advice for me now?"

"Hmm." Scarlett hummed, as her hand tauntingly scatted over her relatively slim waist. Deciding to take pity on her fatso of a twin sister, Scarlett began, "Gaining weight really made me feel out of sorts. My energy and self-confidence were both at all-time lows."

"That's where I'm at right now." Evelyn interrupted, while her hands left her hips and cuddled her bountiful breasts and belly.

"After the summer ended, I began attending exercise classes at my gym. I tried to make sure I participated in some sort of physical exercise for at least thirty minutes per day. Umm..." Scarlett paused, thinking about what else was the key to her diet's success, "I began eating healthier... more fruits, veggies, lean protein, and water. It's been hard keeping it up, but it's so rewarding to be able to maintain a healthy weight. I think look much more healthy and fit. I have more energy and feel so much better, mentally and physically."

"So just diet and exercise? That's your advice?" Evelyn wined. Her plump and fattened body was not built for strenuous exercise anymore and her stomach had been so spoiled with college food that she couldn't just go back to eating nothing of substance. Wasn't there an easier way to get in shape?

"Afraid so." Scarlett giggled. It just occurred to her that she was the athlete of the family now.

"Ugh..." Evelyn grunted.

"What?" Scarlett wondered.

"I woke up this morning feeling more determined than ever to get myself back on track..." Evelyn began, "But now that it's lunch time all I can think about is food."

"Ha, maybe you're destined to be a fatty forever?" Scarlett teased, as she approached her twin and poked her sister's gut to watch it giggle.

Looking down at herself in disgust and feeling her excess flesh bouncing around, Evelyn grunted sarcastically, "Maybe it's inevitable."

"Maybe. Maybe not." Scarlett offered, "Wanna go for a run?"

Not wanting to bear the embarrassment of getting outpaced by her twin, Evelyn gently refused, "Naw, I think I'm just gonna grab a snack and go to my room. Have fun."

And with that, Evelyn grabbed a glass of milk from the fridge and a package of Oreos from the pantry and headed up to her room. Her mouth watered and her tummy craved some sweet and sugary sustenance, but Evelyn never liked eating alone. So, before she dug in, she logged onto her laptop and messaged her newfound unofficial girlfriend to video chat with her.

"Do you have any idea what time it is in Seoul?" Hope yawned after keeping Evelyn waiting for ten minutes.

"Nope." Evelyn smiled happy to see the face of the girl she'd developed feelings for during the last few weeks of her freshman year.

Evelyn wasn't one to consider herself bisexual, but she couldn't deny the impulses she'd been feeling toward her friend. Luckily, Hope was way into the arrangement, so the two friends decided to try some experimentation, it was college after all, the perfect time to try new things.

"Of course not." Hope smiled, as she blinked her eyes a few times and noticed that Evelyn's big fat belly was sticking out under her shirt. Or was she wearing a sports bra? Hope couldn't tell, all she knew was that her plump American girlfriend looked heavenly, "So, how's my pretty piggy doing?"

Frowning and scratching her big tummy, Evelyn muttered, "Can I have a different pet name?"

"Cow?" Hope teased.

Blushing, Evelyn squeaked, "That's worse, way worse."

"Hippopotamus?" Hope continued.

"Are you trying to insult me?" Evelyn smiled feeling that familiar excitement beginning to flare within her. She only wished Hope wasn't a few thousand miles away.

"Hungry hungry hippo!" Hope doubled down and barked much to Evelyn's chagrin.

"I'm going to hang up!" Evelyn threatened, as she dipped an Oreo into some of her milk and plopped it into her mouth.

"No don't hang up! I'll stop! I'll stop!" Hope pleaded, as she curiously asked, "What are you eating?"

"Oreos and milk." Evelyn mumbled with her mouth full.

Hope loved it when Evelyn tried talking with her cheeks full, it made her look even fatter than she already was. Unable to resist the urge to tease, Hope replied, "That's a bad girl Evelyn! I'm going to have to punish you! I thought you were on a diet!"

Feeling the excitement flickering to life inside of her, Evelyn felt butterflied in her gut. Adjusting her big breasts so they'd be more in the frame of her camera, Evelyn plopped another Oreo in her mouth for Hope to see before letting out a big belch and promising, "*Buuurrrrpp!!!* I'll start tomorrow."

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