Inevitable: Part 8

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Warning: This is a weight gain story. If it is not your type of thing, please do not read it. You have been warned.

By Polarisdreamer

Part 8: The 'Oh Sh*t' Stage

Spring semester was just around the corner and Evelyn was feeling like a beached whale upon her return to campus. All those late nights snacking in front of the TV over break had caught up with her. The jeans she'd tried on that morning, a Christmas gift, hadn't been stretchy enough to cover her thicker butt. Even if she had somehow been able to get them all the way up, her permanent belly pouch would have surely ensured she'd never have been able to button them.

So, instead of glamorous, Evelyn's attired upon entering her dorm room was comfy. Pink sweatpants, and a stretchy pink t-shirt that was so strained against her chest that it didn't cover her exposed roll of lower belly fat at all. She hoped her exuberant roommate wouldn't comment on the obvious results of her winter indulgences. However...

"Oh sh*t Evelyn! You got fat!" Adrianna practically laughed upon seeing how far Evelyn's body had fallen over the two months she hadn't seen her.

"Ugh... I know..." Evelyn grunted hoping that Adrianna wouldn't tease her about her weight as much as Paige had.

"What happened? You look like you ate a house!" Adrianna exclaimed in an over-exaggerated fashion.

Before responding, it was hard for Evelyn not to note that Adrianna's freshman 15 appeared to have evaporated over the long break. The Puerto Rican was back to her slender glory all over again. A fact that only served to make Evelyn feel even more insecure about how much plumper she'd gotten.

"Rob broke up with me..." Evelyn admitted trying not to blush too bad. Thinking of an excuse for herself, she added, "I tend to put on weight after breakups."

"That sucks boobs. I'm the opposite, relationships make me fat, but when they end, I get back in super good shape." Adrianna explained, as she ran her hands down her slender waist.

"So... I'm guessing you're not seeing anyone?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow at her roommate's exquisite figure.

"Why? Do I look that good?" Adrianna laughed knowing she was back to looking hot and tempting.

"You look great! Where did that beer gut go?" Evelyn joked, as she patted Adrianna's flat tummy. Touching Adrianna's skinny midsection caused a spark of jealousy to burn within the forefront of Evelyn's mind.

"Right here!" Adrianna countered, while she pinched Evelyn's big beer gut with both hands and jiggled it, "Haha, you found it boobs!"

"Stop it!" Evelyn gasped, as she struggled to wiggle her uncoordinated mass of flesh away from Adrianna's prying hands, "I'm stressed out enough about my weight! I don't need you adding to it!"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Adrianna defensively raised her hands, while her face conveyed concern, "You're stressed about it? I've got just the thing for you."

"What?" Evelyn wondered, as Adrianna pulled a bag out from under her bed.

Holding it in front of Evelyn's fuller face, Adrianna smiled, "You willing to give weed a good old college try?"

How could Evelyn refuse?


As awkward as Adrianna's reaction to Evelyn's weight gain had been, Kendra and Hope's reactions were not much better. Kendra was just as blunt as Adrianna had been and all Hope did was laugh anytime Evelyn's weight got brought up. Luckily after a week her friends got bored of making comments about her weight and things mostly got back to normal.

From mid-January to Valentine's Day, the four friends resumed their normal college routine with a few changes. Kendra didn't really snack late at night anymore and Adrianna only overindulged if Evelyn shared a blunt with her before going out. Not liking to eat alone, Evelyn increasingly got high with her roommate, so she'd have someone to snack with. However, Adrianna wasn't Evelyn's only partner for her drunk eating escapades this semester. Whenever Adrianna disappeared at a party with a man, Evelyn forced Hope to assume the role of late-night eating buddy.

Being single for the first time since she'd been in college meant the urge to party was stronger in Evelyn this semester than it had ever been before. While she wanted to get back in shape, the instant gratification of being sought after by drunk frat guys proved too tempting to resist. Even though she wasn't the top of the food chain in her crew anymore, Evelyn never was without male company on the dance floor.

However, none of those passionate late-night parties ever lead to a boyfriend for Evelyn. A few frat guys made advances, but Evelyn had grown a little too self-conscious since she'd been hit by the freshman 15 extra hard. The thought of a hot guy seeing her naked in her current plump condition was enough to force Evelyn into a temporary voluntary chastity.

By the time midterms rolled around, the party lifestyle had once again taken a toll on Evelyn's figure. Far from shedding her winter weight like a butterfly, Evelyn had done nothing, but grow fatter each and every day she remained on campus. Spring break was around the corner and Evelyn was angry.

"Why did I allow this to happen?" Evelyn groaned to herself alone in a mall changing room trying to find a bikini that she could fit into for her upcoming beach vacation.

She'd been able to squeeze into a few larger bikini bottoms, but her busty boobs were not cooperating. Like her plump belly, her breasts had continued soaking up the excess calories she consumed like a sponge. Looking at herself in the mirror, Evelyn hardly recognized the face in her reflection.

Whether she liked admitting it or not, the answer to her question was staring her right in her pudgy face.

Instead of getting serious, cutting out the sweets, the alcohol, the weed, and religiously attending the gym, Evelyn had made excuses for her gluttonous behavior all semester. She'd blamed the college environment, her tough class schedule, stress, her friends, the weather, heck she'd blamed everything except herself.

However, the truth was that she'd fallen into a vicious cycle. She'd do something bad... like snack on smores before bed, or get high and consume a whole package of Oreos... Then she'd promise herself that she'd do better the next day... But she'd never follow through and do better the next day. It was like she'd become allergic to healthy habits. Evelyn could realize what was happening to her once impeccable figure, but it was like she was powerless to stop herself from growing helplessly fatter and fatter.

Had her sister been right after all? Was getting fat freshman year really inevitable??

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