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As soon as we left you could cut the tension building up in that room with a knife. just then we saw a red heart with pins in it thrown across the room. "Don't freak out, its okay! Cause true love can save the day but I don't know." Evie sang from inside as we all peeped our heads round slightly to watch. I decided it best to let her be while she was in her feels.

"And I think we feel the same but I don't know." She waltzed over the room not taking her eyes off of the weird boy on the ground. "When we met it was sweet, he was oh so into me. Feels like things where meant to be but I don't know." She laid across the table looking seriously deep in thought while continuing to sing.

"Does he love me, or does he love me not?" She questioned while turning to her side to look down at the boy on the floor. "Do I love him, and is it strong enough?" She lifted herself of the table. "One kiss" She sang doing a kissing action with her hand as we all peeped through the door more to add on. "One kiss!" We said encouragingly hoping she would just kiss the boy she was so obviously in love with.

"It all comes down to this. One kiss" She hopped of the table holding onto the side not looking away from the boy. "One kiss!" We said hopeful as she drew nearer to him. We waved her on encouragingly waiting for her to make a move. "Woah!" She moved around the table and bent over it. "One kiss, one kiss, this moment could be it! I, I, I wanna know so here I go" She leaned further and further as we sang the notes with her. Yet every time she got closer to him she backed away making us all groan in frustration.

"Keep it cool, keep it calm. Think he's loved me all along. But maybe I got it wrong, so I don't know." She spun round her manakin before pushing it away and sitting down on a chair. Our eyes following her every move. "He's so good, got my back. But maybe I'm just too bad. Could we be a perfect match. Oh I don't know." We all looked at each other and smirked in amusement. She hopped of the chair with a twirl and walked to the mirror on the other side of the room.

"Does he love me, or does he love me not?" She sang staring at her reflection. "Do I love him, and is it strong enough?" She continued twirling back round. She kneeled down in front of the mirror facing the boy. "One kiss" She sang as we added on. "One kiss!" We said hoping she would just take our advice and just kiss him. "It all comes down to this, one kiss." She crawled further towards him. "One kiss!" We weren't going to give up anytime soon. Or at least not till she kissed glasses boy.

"This moment could be it. I, I, I wanna know, so here I go." She picked up a red hat and threw it over to a coat hanger and it landed right on top of it. Nice. "Yeah here I go." Quite literally there she goes. She walked out of the glass doors and into the large garden behind the house. "I feel my heartbeat beating saying it's gonna work. But if I'm dream, dream, dreaming this is gonna hurt." She swayed to the melody we had managed to create and did a little improved dance.

"Either I will or I won't. What if I do and he don't. Is he my Romeo? Oh, there's only one, one way to really know!" She cat walked back into the entrance of the door and went on dancing, again. She put her foot on her chair and kicked it right out of harms way. And pushed away all her little ribbons hanging from the ceiling. Before grabbing onto a dark blue one and dragging it down, then throwing it away.

She walked over to what looks to be a literal corpse and kicked it up onto it's legs and pulling it up. She dragged it so it's arms were over her shoulders. "One kiss" She sang moving along to a beat. "One kiss!" We groaned for the fourth time. "It all comes down to this, one kiss." She closed her eyes leaning forward. Finally. "One kiss." Hopefully that would be the last time I said that today.

Then she pulled away. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WOMAN! She pushed him down onto the table beside them. That's gonna leave a bruise. "One kiss. one kiss. This moment could be it. I, I, I wanna know, so here I go!" She said about to kiss him when the boy yawned and turned over facing the window. "Here I go." She sang and yet again the dude yawned, spreading his limbs out like a cat pushing Evie back onto the window. "Here I go, here I go." She said walking up to him and looking down. She tucked some hair behind her ear before leaning down. She finally kissed him.

Her eyes widened as she turned and faced the opposite way. Just then glasses boy opened his eyes and leaned up. He gently nudged Evie before trying to pretend to be asleep but failed. Miserably. She turned and slapped him round his knee. He laughed and leaned up as she sighed and walked round the table to sit beside him. She flicked her hair dramatically and turned away while crossing her arms. The boy frowned before nudging her arm with his. She turned to him and smiled.

- No ones POV-

Just then the pair heard slow clapping coming from the door as they turned to see Mal, Y/N and Uma standing in the doorway with Y/N clapping in the middle. "So that's what true love looks like huh" Y/N said making Uma giggle a bit before saying. "Bit like you and Harry then, huh?" Y/N turned already having a comeback. "More like you and Gil." Making Uma blush slightly and look away. "Anyways now that your Prince has woken Imma go stay on the couch before the boys get back. I am too tired to do anymore background singing." Y/N said sighing and walking away with her arms crossed.

-Audreys POV-

Perfect. With the others almost finding Ben and these idiots all in Evie's so called castle, I can finally lure Y/N out. All I need is bait.... and if this goes well then I will have all the bait I need. (Insert evil cackling here)


1126 words later and half of them being the words 'one kiss' Needless to say I never wanna say those cursed words again because my arm is legit about to fall of. But overall I'm pretty happy about this chapter since I did it on computer and I usually use my phone. Aldo thanks to whoever is still reading my book. I really appreciate you. You actually make my day when I realise people actually enjoy this. So thanks.

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