Day 2

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What started out as a fun morning had turned into a fucking nightmare.
You'd slammed the door as quickly as you opened it and looked at him in horror. He was calmer than you'd thought, his cold and calculated facade back in place as though he'd never lowered it.
"Pack, now." Was all he said before turning you in the direction of your bedroom.
You'd gone blindly and started packing before stopping to question the directive.
"Endeavor?" you'd asked uncertainly from the doorway to see his expression soften towards you.
"Enji, hime," he reminded gently.
"Why... why am I packing?"
"Because when they run this story, if they're not live already, every villain in Japan will know exactly where you are."

He'd waited patiently while you followed his instructions then herded you from the house to his car amid incoherent shouts from the press.
Nightmare? What a fucking understatement. Your life had gone to shit because you'd fed him pussy instead of breakfast.
Scratch that, it had gone to shit when you asked him to sit beside you at the gala.
You fumed on the drive across town, responding to him in monosyllabic cues.
And then he'd left you at his house.
Shown you in and left you standing in the center of a livingroom your entire apartment could comfortably fit into.

You'd called Shin after noticing a dozen or so missed calls, apologized profusely and explained the sudden dizzy spell the night before then spent the day trying to occupy yourself.
Did you snoop? Did you watch TV?
Deciding to make yourself somewhat useful, you raided his fridge.
Breakfast had been a bust... sort of...
Cooking dinner without his devil dick voodoo presence may be more successful.


With your favorite playlist blaring through the house, it's easier to get your mind to take a temporary vacation from your tabloid debut.
Singing at the top of your lungs while you're cooking goes a long way to improve your mood and you can sort of forgive Enji for abandoning you here for the day while he went to work.
"I know that you got daddy issues and if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I cou-" your one woman show is interrupted by your B-grade horror movie scream when you're practically tackled from behind, thick arms wrapping around your waist to hoist you off your feet.
You throw an elbow back and hit him in the stomach, hearing his grunt of discomfort.
"Flame, would you stop that."
You go limp with relief at the sound of Enji's voice. "Are you trying to kill me? I nearly had a heart attack."
He laughs, holding you against him as he leans down and presses his lips to your ear. "I couldn't resist. You're dancing around my kitchen, shaking this ass." He punctuates the statement with a spank before he tightens his grip and squeezes possessively.

You moan at the slight sting then bite your lip to stifle any more noises you might inadvertently make. What the fuck was wrong with you when it came to this man? You'd been hellbent on not giving him a second of your time, but the minute he'd shown you a softer side, you were in heat.
Therapy, you decide, you need therapy.
"Does my flame like that?" he whispers, the tickle of his breath against your earlobe sending a shiver through you.
"Does she like a little pain with her pleasure?"
He pushes you face down across one of the counters, palming your ass until you squirm.
"I'm waiting..." he coaxes, "answer me."
He spanks you again and you press your thighs together, squeezing them tightly to assuage the throb of your pussy.
"Yes," you confess breathlessly before his palm meets your ass again and makes you jolt. "Ah, fuck! Harder, Daddy."
He pauses and realization of what you've said crashes down on you. Way to fucking go Y/n, you berate yourself. Way to make it weird.
"I'm sorry, Enji... it... I..." you sputter, as you slide off the counter and face him, "I didn't mean to s-"

He cups your face, bringing his close. "It's okay," he reassures and kisses your forehead. "Whatever comes naturally, remember?"
Apparently calling a man with a shitty relationship with his kids 'Daddy' was what comes naturally. Fuck your life to the moon.
Stepping away from him awkwardly, you point in the general direction of the stove. "I cooked, hope you don't mind... with breakfast being what it was.. I wanted to... Enji, I'm going to stay at a guesthouse."
Yeah you gave yourself whiplash with that one.
He's as calm as ever, even as you have your internal meltdown. "You're safer here," he takes out his phone, scrolling briefly before showing it to you.

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