Day 7

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"It's too early, flame," he groans, pinning you to the bed using a forearm across your waist and securing your legs with one of his thighs. "Go back to sleep."
"Enji, I need to get a headstart."
He uses your breasts as a pillow and that's the end of the conversation as he settles back to sleep. Short of rolling this massive man over, you weren't going anywhere.
You play with his hair, gently tugging the strands. "You're very bratty," you tell him and he huffs out a tired laugh.
"I learned from the best," he replies, nipping the top of your breast. "What have you learned?"
His voice is husky and you look at him sharply.

You fist his hair tightly and his eyes narrow.
"A thing or two."
"Are you going to show me?"
"Enji..." you say slyly, "are you asking me to peg you?"
The look of horror on his face makes you burst out with laughter.
"You're a mean little sadist, hime." He digs his fingers gently into your ribs and you squirm, trying to wriggle from beneath his body. "Ticklish?" He grins and you shake your head, shrieking as he tickles you harder. Having found your weakness, he pins you down and tickles you mercilessly.

You're breathless from giggling, legs tangling in the sheets whilst you try to get away.
"Who do you think you're going to peg?" he demands jokingly, his body following yours as you escape and try to make a run for it.
When you roll out of bed, he tumbles after you, snagging your ankle to keep you from crawling any further.
"Where do you think you're going?"
His body covers yours and you're immediately reaching for him, threading your fingers through his hair as you raise yourself up for a kiss.
"Were you planning on cooking me breakfast before or after this sodomy plot?" he murmurs against your lips.

Losing it completely, you laugh until tears roll down your face. As you wipe them away you see him watching you with a peculiar expression on his face, sobering up completely.
"What's wrong?"
He shakes his head, quickly moving off you to get to his feet. He's halfway out the bedroom door before you're able to orientate yourself.
"Enji, wh-"
"Do you want anything specific for breakfast?"
He was going to give you whiplash with the change of subject. "No. I'll get something later."
"You should eat something."

You were going to snap. He'd gone from absolutely carefree to closed off faster than you could blink.
If you didn't yell at him, you were going to burst into tears. You were already unreasonably emotional about leaving, his mercurial attitude was not helping.
"Flame, you should eat," he interrupts your train of thought and you realise you've stared off into space.
"I'll eat, if you tell me what just crawled up your ass and died," you reply snippily and pull the sheet from the bed to cover yourself.
For a moment you think he might refuse you then he sighs and leans against the doorframe., crossing his arms across the impressive expanse of his chest.
"I don't think you've ever been more beautiful than just then and I couldn't be in the moment because I realised that I wasn't looking at you... I was trying to memorise you," he says, staring at the floor. "That's all I've been doing since I got you back from that bastard... I've got to remember every little detail about you because once you've gotten into a cab, this is done, isn't it? You're not coming back here."

He's silent for a moment before raising his eyes to yours, his smile is tight and bitter.
"Shit, I'll only ever see you if we're called out to the same incident... a gala once a year maybe, if you attend..."
"We're fucking idiots, Endeavor," you manage to choke out past the lump in your throat. You'd known he was going to be the end of you from the moment the first bouquet had arrived at your agency.
There was no real resisting this man who was still very unashamedly naked in the doorway.

Yes, you could walk away but did you want to? Did you want to stay away from someone who had proven time and again that they could handle your brand of crazy?
The man had been homicidal when he'd found you and you'd never been happier to see anyone in your life than when you'd finally found the courage to raise your head and look up at him.
That wasn't something you were willing to throw away and from the sound of it neither was he.
"I need to find a new place and pick up the pieces," you tell him and see his face fall a little. "I'd like you to come over for a housewarming... maybe help me break in the new bed and the kitchen counter and the shower and the sof-ah!" You squeal with laughter as he swoops you into his arms and kisses you.

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