Day 4

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He wakes you early, his hands gentle on your thighs as he stirs you from sleep.
You look up at him, confused for a moment before you realize he's still buried to the balls inside you and you've been subtly moving on him.
When you sit up, trying to climb off, his hands tighten, his eyes glittering in the dark.
"Not so fast, flame," he says, gripping your hips as his cock jerks inside you, his voice sexy and sleep laced as it whispers through you. He thrusts into you leisurely, barely moving but your body comes alive astride him nonetheless as he pulls you down, his arms wrapping securely around you.

Pressing your face to the crook of his neck, you exhale softly, the languid sensation a complete contrast to earlier. Your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving little crescent moons across his skin as you push back, meeting the slow pace of his thrusts.
He brings you to an unhurried climax that shivers through you as you sigh with pleasure against his throat.
Rocking drowsily against him, wrapped in each other, the heat of your bodies trapped beneath the blankets, you realize with startling clarity that you're in deep shit.

You'd want nothing more than to put distance between yourself and this man beneath you but find yourself more enthralling by him.
By the way his harsh breath brushes against your cheek, the way his hands engulf your ass, tightening as his pace quickens slightly.
He thrusts up into you with a low growl, making you cry out as the head of his cock bumps against your cervix.
"Shhh, hime," he seeks and finds your lips in a slow, insistent kiss that leaves you burning hotter than before.
You nip his lips, your hips pumping faster until he forces you to slow down, a whine of frustration leaving you.
"Easy, flame, soft and slow my sweet girl," he murmurs against your lips, once again guiding your rhythm.

He holds you closer, tighter, his touch so possessive it makes you fearful with its intensity even as you clench around him.
"Enji," you pant quietly, still trying to grind against him, your body straining towards the release you're teetering on.
He squeezes your ass hard, "almost, flame... almost..."
Your haste is more than impatience. There's a tenuous connection spinning between the two of you and you need to sever it before... before... you lose your train of thought as your mind goes blank.
Pleasure hammers the back of your skull, reverberating through you until all you know is the feel of being chest to chest with him, his thick cock thrusting hard and fast into you until he grunts and fills you with another load of cum.

When his hold loosens even slightly, you're off him, dragging a sheet along with you to cover up with. Uncaring of your shaking legs, you make a beeline for the bathroom. Fuck the afterglow, fuck the aftercare, you needed to put distance between the two of you.
The inside of your skull buzzes, the low lights burning your eyes.
"Hime," he calls after you and you ignore him, nearly slamming the door in your haste.
Pretending not to feel his cum seeping from you to cool on your thigh, you start the shower and step beneath the scalding spray.
"Hime, did I hurt you?"
He's in the doorway when you glance from the wall, looking like a fucking wet dream with his yukata open to the waist.
"No," you answer, scrubbing briskly.

He wrenches the shower door open, a large hand wrapping around your bicep. "Then why are you washing me away like... like... like you can't fucking stand the feel of me?"
It was exactly the opposite. You loved it. Couldn't get enough of it... in fact you wanted nothing more than to drag him into the shower and suck him off...
You shake your head, "you're wrong," you say even as you clean between your thighs.
Fuck, if he didn't back away you were going to hurt him.
"Then tell me what's happening here," he insists, tugging you from beneath the water and into his arms. "Y/n if I didn't hurt you then what is this? You're scrubbing like my touch makes you feel dirty. Is that it?" He releases you abruptly and steps back, leaving you to mourn the warmth of his body. "I'll move your belongings to the spare room."

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