Day 6 continued

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Posting a day later than promised?
Couldn't be me 💀😭


"Breathe, sweet girl,"he encourages whilst you're close to hyperventilating.
Your response is yet another plaintive cry as his teeth sink into your other thigh, marking you again.
"Listen to you already losing your mind and we've barely started..."
His gentle teasing makes you blush. He wasn't wrong, you were hyper-sensitive, every nerve ending attuned to even the smallest sensation. Just the way his breath fans tantalisingly across your skin is enough to make you feral.

"Stop taunting me and jus-" You shriek when he bites again, the pain making your pussy twitch, desperate to be filled by more than his fingers.
"Where are your manners, hime? That's not how you beg."
Glaring at him, you bite your lip.
"If you want something, all you have to do..." he drops your legs, letting them fall wide as his body covers yours, "... is beg me for it. You remember how to beg, don't you, flame? All you have to do is open this pretty mouth."
He pushes two fingers against your lips and you open to him so he can slide them against your tongue.
"Mhm, like that..." He fingers your mouth, making you drool obscenely on the digits pressing into your throat. Your slight gag makes him grin. "Gagging already? I seem to recall a promise earlier and you're going to have to lose that reflex."

With a grin, you close your lips around his fingers and suck before nipping the pads of his fingertips playfully.
He moves back as you raise yourself onto your elbows, giving you room to reach for him and cup his cock where it strains against the front of his boxers like it might break through any second.
"Speaking of wet messes, Enji," you remark huskily, stroking a fingertip through the pre leaking from the head of his cock where it rises above his waistband. Meeting his eyes, you bring your finger to your lips and lick it slowly. "Want me this badly?"

You're not sure what you'd honestly expected in response, maybe a token refute just for the sake of masculinity; the darkening of his gaze and his breath coming quicker as he nods was not it.
With more aggression than intended you push him back against the headboard and kneel between his thighs to undress him with eager hands. He hisses in pleasure as you touch your tongue to the tip of his cock, tracing lazy circles around the pre-slick head.
For a little more control, you wrap one hand around the base and open your mouth, taking him a few inches deep.

The taste of him makes you moan low in your throat and you take him deeper as saliva pools beneath your tongue and spills from your lips as his girth stretches them wide.
Your fingers are slicked from your combined mess lubricating his thick shaft as you pump your hand up and down his length.
HIs hand rests on the back of your head, stroking your hair as he guides you into a rhythm that makes his hips buck even as he trembles with restraint.
"Like that, hime..." he groans breathlessly, "... suck it just like that."
His gasps make you clench your thighs together to assuage your throbbing pussy before you relent and slide your hand down, gently circling your fingers around your clit.

You were as desperate for him as he was for you, if the way he was thrusting himself into your mouth was anything to go by.
His hips roll sinuously beneath you, his chest heaving with every laboured breath. You hollow your cheeks around him before trying and failing to take more of him into you.
Fuck your gag reflex to the moon.
Gentle fingers stroke your cheek. "Just take what you're comfortable with," he says and your heart does that ridiculous squeeze again.
Backing off slightly, you continue at your earlier pace, stroking your clit to the same rhythm your tongue swirls around his cock. You whine as pressure builds between your thighs and he laughs softly.

"You didn't ask for permission to touch yourself, I'm not giving you permission to cum, hime."
You unsheath your teeth just enough to make it uncomfortable and his fingers fist your hair in playful warning.
"Does my brat need taming?"
In response, you press your tongue to the thick vein running the length of his cock and feel it jerk inside your mouth.
Fuck, you were going to cream yourself if it did that again. Whimpering, you thrust your fingers three knuckles deep, a cry of pleasure muffled by his cock as he fucks your mouth leisurely, edging himself over and over again.

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