Day 6

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At least nothing’s broken, you think to yourself as you gingerly poke your aching jaw. It hurts like a motherfucker but that’s nothing compared to how painful it is to remember the brief flash of his approaching fist.
He’d been so quick to raise his hands to you, it really was like second nature to him. 
Once the tears had dried up, all you felt was utter defeat. The one, tiny window too high to offer any hope of escaping, didn’t do anything to keep even the smallest spark of hope alive. 
You were completely and utterly trapped. 

He’d tossed a bottle of water at you before leaving and locking you in again.You glare at it, ignoring how your mouth feels dry as cotton wool. You weren’t drinking from it. The seal was broken and there was no telling what he’d drugged it with. 
Been there, done that, fucked the DILF because of it. 
The last thing you needed was to be roofied again when you were already kidnapped. 
“I’m dumb,” you say, kicking the bottle away, “but not that fucking dumb.”

There’s little concept of time in the tiny room. Judging by the light shining through the small window, it was still early morning, not that it made a difference. 
It didn’t matter how long you’d been there… How long were you going to be trapped? 
Would he keep you here indefinitely and why? 
His memories? 
You rack your brain. He’d said you’d seen little more than Japan already knew… so no, no it couldn’t be that. 

The details of them? His every dark thought had lived rent free in your head since the night of the gala. 
You shudder, his past was beyond dark. 
The pressure, the abuse, the neglect. 
None of it had been yours to forgive but he’d been trying, hadn’t he? 
He’d been trying to mend the family he’d destroyed since before the war revealed the state of his home life. 

Trying to eliminate the possibilities is enough to give you a headache and you lie back on the thin mattress. There was no reason not to take what little comfort you could under the circumstances.   
If fucking you had been the bottomline, why all of this? He’d gotten what he wanted, there was no need for all this bullshit. Unless his concern was the follicle test results, if the drug was linked to him, it would blow the nice guy cover. 
Fuck, he’d had you fooled. 

“You stupid bitch,” you berate yourself. 
If you were completely truthful, you’d wanted to be fooled. He’d pursued you with such singular focus, been attentive, and the sex… if nothing else, he was the hottest lay you’d ever had. 
“Stupid cockstruck bitch!”
With a shriek you hurl the bottle at the wall with even force to pop the lid off and watch as the liquid stains the wall and floor. Better dehydrated than drugged again. 
“Keep it fucking down in there,” a new and slightly familiar voice yells as a hand bangs on the door. 
Fantastic, your breakdown had a witness. You wipe at your face in agitation. When had you started crying? 


When you see him again, he’s staring down at the untouched tray that had been shoved through a flap  in the door. 
Yeah, you weren’t touching that either. 
“I will force feed you if that's what it comes to.”
Ignoring him, you study the wall. He could fucking try, you’d bite his damn fingers off they come within inches of you. 
“Do you hear me? Starving yourself will not end well for you.”
He could eat shit and die. You bite your lip to stop yourself reacting. 
“I asked you a question, do you hear me?”

A pained gasp leaves your lips as he fists your hair, yanking your face to his. 
“Fucking eat something.”
“Was it all a lie?” you ask through gritted teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing one more tear from you. 
Of all the things you’d expected, the confusion on his face isn’t one of them. What the fuck was going on? 
“Enji…” Wrapping a hand around his wrist, you stroke your thumb softly across his pulse. “Enji, it was real to me, every last moment of it. I think… I think in this short space of time tha-”

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