Day 3

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You wake briefly as he kisses your cheek and tucks the blanket around you before he leaves for the day.
He'd fucked you twice after the two of you had come to bed, you ache and your throat feels a little scratchy from being so vocal but fuck if you aren't smug as you doze some more. The louder you became the wilder he became, it was a miracle the two of you hadn't broken the bed as you'd gone at it.
Deciding on coffee before you start making a list of suspects and motives, you slip on his shirt, laughing as it engulfs you; the subtle scent of his cologne, teasing your senses.

"Who the hell are you?"
A tall, white haired man stands in the doorway, glaring at you.
If looks could kill...
The furious features were a match, no DNA test needed, this was a Todoroki down to the bone marrow. You're about to introduce yourself when ye interrupts you.
"Don't tell me he's started bringing his whores home with him."
"His what?"
"His whores," he repeats,"it's one thing for him to decimate the female population out there, but under this roof... with such a loud one..."
Your face heats with embarrassment. Well fuck, he'd heard.

You stammer an apology as he throws something at you. Your bag lands at your feet with a thud.
"Get out. Just get the fuck out. He's so fucking selfish, didn't think what this might do to Fuyumi or Shoto... Get the fuck out!"
He drags you bodily through the house to the front door. "Wait, you don't understand, I'm n-"
"No, you're special blah blah blah. He'll make a wife out of you etcetera," he sneers, " of course, he will... princess. How many before you have heard it."
Wait, what? Had his whole 'it's been a while' been a fucking act?

The man with the pale hair realizes as it dawns on you.
"A loud whore but not a slow one," he says cruelly.
"Oh shut the fuck up," you snap, surprising him as you tug out of his hold and open the door for yourself, "you sound like your fucking father."
Slamming the door behind you, you jog down the front steps, taking them two at a time in your haste.
Digging awkwardly through your bag, you grab your phone and call a cab as you wait at the curb.

The drive over to the guesthouse leaves you with too much time in your own head. Fuck, he was such a good liar, deserved a goddamn reward for how he'd played you.
Tentative and hesitant... you tut irritatedly. No man with a cock that size was fucking insecure.
You roll your eyes at yourself. Were you really so fucking desperate for any kind of attention that you fell for it?
Yes. Yes you were.
When he'd bent over you, his body churning on top of yours... looking down at you like you were the first beautiful thing he'd seen in forever...

You dash away a tear.
Fuck you're stupid.
What if it was him? What if he'd drugged you only so he could play the hero.
His past wasn't squeaky clean and thanks to Dabi, the whole of Japan knew it.
What had made you think he was a changed man or that you were immune from anything he was capable of?

By the time you reach your destination, silent sobs shake your bones so hard you think they'll break.
They continue as you let yourself into the small room and lock the door behind you, not letting up for a moment until you're flushed and exhausted.
Fuck, you were tired of being used, of thinking every time it would be different. When were you going to learn?
You'd go back to work tomorrow. Fuck if you were going to continue hiding on the word of a man who'd gotten what he wanted by whatever means neccessary.

You startle at the banging on your door, followed by Enji's booming voice.
How the fuck?
Burying your head beneath the pillow, you try ignoring it. You weren't listening, you weren't letting him in to continue lying because every time he'd opened his mouth in the last forty eight hours, that's all it had been.
"Hime! Y/n, please... I know you're in there, open the door. I need to see you."
He sounds so concerned, even as you try to muffle his words.
"I need to know you're okay, please just let me make sure you're okay. I'm sorry, flame... I didn't know he was coming by last night... I'm sorry he said those cruel things to you."
Apologizing for his son's behavior but not his own. The lack of accountability is strong in that one.

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