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silence. no sound except for distant laughs and the hot tub water swishing. i like the silence.

jj was never the "silent" type. he was the guy in the friend group that always starts the conversation or says something stupid that makes us all laugh. our group wasn't silent as it is. that's why i enjoy these moments with him.

the wind is faintly blowing through my hair, just sending enough force to sway the hammock we're sitting in. jj rubbing his hand along my thigh, staring at me as i look out to the water. life is good. i wouldn't have it any other way.

i look at jj, making strict eye contact.

"you're so pretty y/n." he says.

i smile.

"you are." i say back.

he smiles.

jj never admits it but i know he likes it when i call him pretty. he always blushes and his smiles always get bigger.

"i uh- i made something for you a few hours ago. wanna see it?" he asks.

one of my favorite things about jj was his little gifts. he was always creating something for me. wether it's a small painting or a bracelet or even a flower he picked from the grass, it was my favorite.

"of course i do." i said with a smile.

he got up from the hammock and ran inside.

i could see the happiness in his face as he ran back out.

he sits down and cups something in his hands so i can't see.

"close your eyes and hold out your hands." he giggles.

i close my eyes.

a few second after i close them i feel something cold, almost wet touch my hands.

i open my eyes.

i see a flower tiara. little daisies had been tied together to make a loop.

"i love it so much jj!" i say as i pull him in for a kiss.

our kiss starts to deepen. he starts to lay back as i carefully climb on top of him, hoping the hammock doesn't topple over. i feel his tongue start to make an appearance in my mouth before..

"oh get a room!" john b says.

sarah and kie laugh.

pope's face filled with disgust.

i climb off of jj and lay back, laughing.

jj id the only person i have ever done anything with. my first kiss. my first time having sex. my first boyfriend. my first love. my first everything. i love him for that. he also isn't the jerk that pushes me against my will. if i'm not up for it, he's not up for it. if i'm not in the mood, he's respectful of it. he never forced it.

"i love you y/n." he said, looking out to the water.

"i love you too maybank." i say with the biggest smile ever.

the one thing about jj and i's relationship was it was real. he wasn't a liar. neither was i. before we started dating jj wasn't the affectionate guy he is now. he hugged every now and then. mainly dabbed me up. "i love you" was normal but that's the most you got from him.

jj and i practically grew up together. he has always been my bestfriend. he was there when my mom died. he was there when my dad went to jail. i held him while he cried into my arms about his dad. he knows me better than anyone. my bestfriend.

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