Blades VS Spears

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As Akimitsu and King stayed below with the soldiers to hold off any heroes or police that try to come inside the other four were heading up to the floor that they needed to head, at one of the floors they stopped on Slash got off with his duffel bag filled with explosives.


"All right this is my stuff."


"Good luck."


"Ha I don't really need that but thanks anyways."

As soon as the elevated door shut Slash quickly started headed to the certain areas the bomb needs to be planted, once he made it to one of the spot there were three heroes in his way, who's out both of his knives and charges straight at them while yelling, the hills react as quickly as they can and begin using their quirks to fight him, one hero stepped up and aimed his pants straight towards him and shout out a chain, but as it was heading straight towards Slash he Dodges it and grabs it, pulled it and made the hero head straight towards, as the hero was flying straight towards him he was then impaled in the neck by one of Slash's knifes, as the heroes blood begins seeping down the knife and to his left arm Slash just smiled from seeing the life leave his eyes, he then pulls out his knife from his neck which causes the body to drop to the ground, he looks up at the two other heroes and points his blood covered knife at them.


"Who's next?"

~Hero 1~


As that hero yelled out of anger he suddenly turned his back towards Slash and shout out sharp needles from his back towards him, with those sharp needles heading straight towards him Slash just raised his right arm and covered his eyes, from just standing there a lot of the needles then pierce his body and some just flew by him, the hero unexpected Slash to be on his knees screaming out of pain, but what he saw instead was Slash still standing on his own two feet with his eyes being covered by his arm.


"Haha, is that really all you got?"

Slash then remove his right arm off of his eyes and smiles at the hero that just attacked him.


"H-how are you even still standing?"


"I should tell you that I can feel any of this."

And with the blink of an eye Slash quickly ran toward that hero and wrapped his arms around him and kills him with his own needles, as he held that hero in his arms all he could feel is his entire body shaking while blood was flowing out of him, Slash leans in towards that hero and whispers in his ear.


"You were nothing."

As Slash let go of that hero all the needles that were impaled into his body were now stuck onto the lifeless hero that lies on the ground still bleeding, the last hero that just witnessed seeing two of his closest friends dying one of him by villain that can't be, so he turned around and began running away, but as he was running he was then struck by one of Slash's knives that he threw at, the knife just landed straight to his back which caused him to fall to the ground, a Slash was walking straight towards him he noticed that the hero was still clinging to life and trying to crawl away.

~Hero ~

"S-somebody help m-me."

Slash stopped his crawling by putting his foot on his back.

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