It's Our Time Now

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After 3 days have passed since the villains attacked the last City they were in, they have moved on to the next city which was quite far from the previous City, as usual all groups of villains gathered in the nearby woodlands that surrounded the city and begin scoping out the area from a distance, amongst the villains that were scoping out the area was Kenji, who is using his custom scope that he has attached to his plague mask, As he adjusted the scope on his mask, he started to see groups of Heroes that were patrolling the streets and not a single sight of a civilian, but as he was scoping out the city he heard someone kneel down right on his left, he looks over and sees Akuma, but he soon looks away and continues looking back at the city.


"So how's it looking down there?"


"Well it's just like the last ones, groups of Heroes patrolling the streets, no civilians, tons of blockades, you know same old, same old."


"Well that's good to know, and I'm sure that this won't take too long."


"Ha, like it ever does, these Heroes should just hang up their suits and go home, while they still have a chance."


"Well I guess you're right about that, but I can guess the reason why they don't do that."


"Care to explain?"


"Because they're willing to risk their lives to protect the city or even a person."


"Well that's stupid, but that is something that us villains will do if it means we have to protect one of our own or even the base we call home, so I guess we have something in common with these Heroes."


"I guess so, but if you want to protect something then don't lay down your life, stay alive and keep protecting what is important to you."


"You make a good point, so let's not try to die like these stupid Heroes."



After they finish their conversation they get up from the ground and head back to the others, which didn't take them long to get back, as soon as Akuma and Kenji spotted Oni, they went over towards her to report about the city.



From hearing her name being called out, she looks over her shoulder and sees Akuma and Kenji walking towards her.


"Ah boy, so what's the report about the city?"


"Well it's pretty much the same as the last cities, so nothing really major to report back."


"Hmm I see, then this will be another piece of cake."


"It sure will be, so let's get in there."


Hehe, I like that eagerness Akuma, you should have used it a lot more."



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