This Is Our Message

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Hours later Heroes arrived at the city that the villains attacked, and what they saw was devastating, streets were shattered, buildings were destroyed, and corpses of Heroes scattered the streets, the Heroes looked around the city to see if they can find any surviving Heroes, but sadly there was no one, instead they found unharmed civilians which the heroes thought they'll be killed as well during the attack but weren't at all, as many civilians begin coming out of hiding they were shocked to see what has happened to the city and to the heroes that were sworn to protect it, amongst the Heroes who arrive was Ingenium, he was so shocked to see a destroyed City like this, it's sort of reminded him of what the league of villains did to cities back in the day.


"How can something like this happen?, I thought the league of villains would be the only people that are capable of this, but it seems I was wrong."

He removes his glasses and places is left hand over his eyes, not wanting to see more of the city or the corpses of the Heroes, but as he was doing that he suddenly felt a hand grabbed his right shoulder, he lowers his left hand from his eyes and looks over at his right to see Deku who has just arrived.




"Hello Iida, it's been a while"

Iida looks away from Deku and looks back at the destroyed buildings.


"It's horrible, seeing this one's peaceful city now in complete ruins, it reminds me of back then."


"Yeah it does, but we can get through this like last time."


"You may be right, but I don't think I can get through all the lives that have been lost here."

Deku removes his hand from Iida's shoulder and looks at the buildings, while he was looking at them he then notices a camera on a light post.


"Iida, look over there."

Iida looks over at where Deku is pointing and sees the camera as well.


"It's a camera."


"Yes it is, and I bet there's many more like this around the city, if we get the footage from each of the cameras then we'll find out which villain group is responsible of this."



So Deku and Iida looked around the entire city until they eventually found where all the footage from the cameras are located which was a larger building that has tooken quite a beating but it's still standing, they had inside and eventually find the surveillance room, once inside they began looking at the monitors that we're connected to all of the surveillance cameras, Iida reversed the footage of when the city was attacked, and what they saw was horrifying, beats surveillance camera hack large numbers of villains destroying buildings and slaughtering Heroes, but as they continued watching they soon saw the ones who led these villains into the city.


"These are..."


"The Hall of Demons."

On different cameras it show each general of the Hall of Demons killing Heroes, which shocked Deku the most as soon as he saw Akuma killing a hero with a knife.

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