Time To Go

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As the days went by it was nearly time for the Hall of Demons to leave since it was their last night staying in the tower, on that night Akuma sat on his bed with the bird laying on his right palm, he gently stroked its head with two fingers as it begins to close its eyes, for some reason this bird he was taking care of for the entire month brought him peace, as the bird fell asleep in the palm of his hand, Akuma begin to remove the bandages from its wing without waking it, from removing the bandages he then tossed them aside and begin to move further back onto his bed until his back was against the wall and his legs were on his bed.


"You know I never really got the chance to name you."

After Akuma said that his eyes began to get heavy, he tried keeping them open but ended up closing them I think fell asleep while bird was sleeping in the palm of his hand, as he was sleeping he began dreaming of memory when he was attending his old Junior high school, it was his last year there and he was ready to go UA entrance exam for the first time, but he ended up failing of course and went to his second choice of school, as his first year there he didn't stop thinking about going to UA, so he worked even harder to try again, Akuma thought his second try will be the one that allows him to attend UA, what's up he wasn't he ended up in the hospital and the principle of the school closing that he wasn't allowed to take the entrance exam for a third time, after that he stop smiling completely and feel deep into a depression where he felt he was sinking into.

~Akuma's mind~

"Why?, Why is my life like this?, Why does everyone else in this damn world have a quirk besides me?, Was I not special enough to get one?, Was it the reason why my parents abandoned me?, What whatever, I hate this world."

But as he was falling deep into in his dream a light soon appeared in front of him which started getting closer, suddenly as a light got close enough a hand appeared from it and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close to the light, once he was pulled into the light he saw Oni, Slash, Akimitsu, King, and Takeo right in front of him which made him smile to know that the world he hated so much had a place for him with others that could accept him.

~Akuma's mind~

"I might hate this world I live in, but I would've hated it even more if these guys weren't around, ha which makes me hate it less."

Akuma then opens his eyes and grinned from having that dream, he glanced down at his hand to sees that the bird was suddenly gone which causes him worry, gets off his bed and begin looking around until something flies right past his face, he looks up at the ceiling and sees the bird finally flying around, he smiles and puts out his right hand which the bird then landed on.


"Haha I guess you're all better now."

Akuma puts the bird down onto his counter and grabs his jacket which he then puts on, he then picks up the bird and covers it with both of his hands as he stepped out of his room, he made his way through the halls until he reached the stairs and started heading even upwards, as he walked up the stairs he kept hearing the tweets of the bird in the of his hands, as soon as he reach the top he then opened the door to the rooftop and stepped out to see the sun barely right now, Akuma walked over to the railing and stood right in front of it to open his hands to let the bird feel fresh air.


"Well it's time to go."

The bird turned its head and looked up at Akuma, it then turned away from him and started flying into the air and away from a towel."


"Fly, fly for a little buddy."

As Akuma saw the bird he took care of for a month flying away they couldn't help but to feel a bit sad to watching it go, but he was happy to watch it go, he leaned against the railing and watched the sun rise with a grin, a few minutes later Oni showed up at the rooftop to see Akuma leaving against the railing.

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