Only One Could Be The Strongest

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As the students of UA were busy with their summer break training, the Hall of Demons were all so busy with some weapon shipment they needed to get out immediately, and the one watching over the shipment was of course Oni, out of everyone in the entire Tower she was the one that was most busy, but from doing all of this for at least a couple of hours she took a break and left Kamin in charge to watch over the shipment until she came back from her break, usually on her break she would be in her room polishing or either training with her katana, but doing that made her a little bit bored so recently she has been watching Akuma train from one of the balconies that was around the area he usually trained in, as she was making her way to one of the balconies all she can think about is Akuma's ripped body when he trains shirtless, from thinking about that made her cheeks blush up, as Oni arrived at the door to one of the balconies she soon opened it and stepped inside which she then made her way to the ledge of the balcony, but as she looked down she didn't see Akuma down there.


"Where the hell is Akuma?"

She jumps over the ledge and uses her quirk in midair and then gently on the ground, she looks around and doesn't see Akuma anywhere in sight, so wanting to see him she then runs out of the room and begins running through the halls looking for Akuma, a few minutes past and she couldn't find Akuma anywhere until she overheard two voices around the corner, she peeks her head over the corner to see Takeo's Troops talking to each other.

~Troop 1~

"Oh man most stores at General Takeo told us are crazy."

~Troop 2~

"I know, he's done so much to become that strong."

~Troop 1~

"And how he did was just so brutal, I don't think my stomach could even take another story."

~Troop 2~

"Yeah me too, hey did you see who else was there when we walked out."

~Troop 1~

"No, who'd you see?"

~Troop 2~

"It was General Akuma, he was leaning in against the wall that was near the doorway."

~Troop 1~

"Oh damn, I didn't even know he was there."

~Troop 2~

"I know right, I feel like he can just sneak up on anyone and just take him out silently."

~Troop 1~

"Hahaha yeah I bet he can, well enough of this let's go get some grub I'm starving."

~Troop 2~

"Sure thing."

As those two Troops began leaving Oni used her quirk to pass them without them even noticing, but from hearing what they said Oni finally knew where to find Akuma, so she made her way to to the area where Takeo will usually be which was a room that was wide, after a few minutes of running she soon made it, she inside and saw Takeo sitting on a cement block and right in front of him was his Troops that were kneeling down hearing him tell his story.


"And at that moment I picked up that hero and slammed his back onto my knee which shattered his entire spine."

Takeo's Troops then begins to applied from hearing him finish one of his stories, but from doing so Oni heard someone clapping to the left side of her, she turned her head and saw Akuma leaning against the wall clapping, Oni goes over to Akuma and places her left hand onto his right shoulder which grabs his attention to look at her.

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