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I was so upset with Chris. So mad that she pulled this stunt on me. I clenched my jaw as we sat in the cafe. Waiting on Soon to be Mrs. Winston Jerrard.

Better her than me.

And I know it's kind of dumb for me to be mad at her. Being mad would signify that I still care about Winston in some way... Which I don't.

There is absolutely no part of me that wishes it were me getting married to him. I'm kind of grateful that I am not. But regardless of my feelings towards Winston, that doesn't give Chris an excuse to manipulate me and bring me out here knowing this was his wedding.

"I'm sorry.." She said as I held my hand up to stop her. "I have enough apologies from you to last a lifetime Christine. I would just like to get through this meeting and go home- I mean to the hotel room and relax." She nodded her head and placed her hand on her coffee cup. Stirring it with her spoon making clicking noises with her spoon. We sat in silence for a few minutes Until Ana arrived.

"Hello, thank you for meeting with me today" She smiled, pulling out the stool and sitting down. She pulled out the stool beside her, making me a little nervous. " Will the groom be joining us as well?" I spoke cheerfully through my teeth. Knowing I was secretly praying she'd say "No. Actually" She smacked her teeth placing her purse in the chair beside her.

She pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled looking up at the both of us. " So. Let's talk wedding stuff" She chuckled, grinning as hard as a person could. It was quite frankly a scary sight.

"What are your ideas for this wedding theme." I asked, watching her fiddle with her watch before drawing her attention to us.

"Gosh I don't know. The possibilities are endless" she shook her head trying to come up with something. The poor girl almost looked like she was about to have an aneurism.

"Ana, how do you feel about a fairytale wedding?" Christine asked as I shook my head to disagree. "That's so basic and generic. Everyone does that. How about a forest in winter themed wedding"

"Like that's any better" she whispered under her breath as I kicked her leg under the table before we both began smiling at Ana who was a nervous wreck.

"Why not a combination of the two..? Instead of a happy fairytale do a dark themed fairytale but without the winter forest and a dark green murky one"

"Wow. Ok. I'm sorry. You're doing a better job and we're the ones who are supposed to be planning."

"I'm good at this. Maybe I should steal your job" She giggled as I laughed along with her before internally stopping


"Let's talk about the budget," Christine said cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood. And what better way to do that than money. "Oh I don't have a budget. Winston says I should have whatever my heart desires"

"Aw that's kind of cute" I squealed, scrunching my nose letting her see my grin. "This wedding is going to be THE wedding of the year." I smiled grabbing my mimosa and winking "Don't you worry bout a thing"

"Oh I won't. I believe I'm in good hands. But for the time being I have to go. This hair isn't going to do itself" and with that being said Ana made her exit as I threw my money on the table and began to head towards the door without even speaking a word to Chris.

"Oh my gosh mina this is getting a bit ridiculous."

"Stop. I don't owe you shit Chris. And until you realize that. You can kiss my ass" I told her. It took everything in me not to run into her arms and hug and forgive her. But If I did that, she'd think what she did was ok. And it wasn't. Not even a little bit at all. She crossed my boundaries and acted as if she had no respect for my feelings. Even though I know she loves me like her sister. And I love her like my own. But at some point a line has to be drawn. And she crossed it.

Romina spent about 4 solid hours in her hotel room just looking outside. She had nothing to do since her personal tour guide was currently in time out. But maybe I knew someone who could.

I grabbed my phone and began to scroll through my contacts. I saw my brother's name and my heart hardened at the sight. My baby brother. I shook the thought out of my mind and went to his name. After all these years I still had his number. That is if he didn't change it. I dialed the number and waited before deciding it was a stupid idea. I was about to hang up before A voice was heard on the other line.

" If it isn't my favorite milkshake gal."

" I better be your only milkshake gal."

" That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said making me sit up in my bed. I smiled at the thought of him in that same green painted room with crazy lab shit all over. " It's weird I can almost hear you smile over the phone I don't know" I scoffed grabbing my sweater with my phone attached to my face.

" What can I help you with mi amor"

" For starters, I need a partner to take me around the city, it's been a while and I can't remember where Rosalie's bakery is. And to really give ya a laugh, I need a date."

" A date. I didn't know you thought so highly of me. You should know tho, I am a white wine type of guy"

" I need a date for the brunch I'm hosting tomorrow you bozo. And you hate white wine."

" It's true I do. I just wanted to know if you knew that. I can't go on a date with someone who doesn't know me and my exquisite taste can I?" He said as I let out a loud laugh. This man was a true animation. A real life goof. "Pick me up tonight?" I asked as I heard a car door slam. " I'm already outside love"

I ran to the window to see him leaning against his car with his phone against my cheek. " After all these years. You're still my very own stalker. Should I be concerned Joseph Giordano"

" I don't know Romina Windstor, I guess time will tell. Who knows, maybe around this time next year I could have you barefoot and pregnant who knows."

" In your dreams loverboy" I said before hanging up and grabbing my purse to go downstairs to him.

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