[3] A COLD

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I pour the last pot of heated water into the huge bucket in the bathroom. I put the lid over it and hear Abbas knocking on the door. I spent half the evening filling the bucket with warm water because it was turned off. I open the door "Aslam alkium wa rhamta allah"
"Walkium al salam wa rhmta allah" he walks inside closing the door. He says bismialah before entering. His eyes turn warm when he looks at me and I could see the sweat on his forehead. His hands were hidden behind his back.

"I want to hug you but" he raises both arms in exasperation and i hadn't noticed how dirty his clothes had gotten. I take his sword from him and he walks in.

"Heavy training?"
"Yeah" he smiled and I felt tense. Every-time he came back like this he would have a new scar somewhere. I nod my head and follow him into the house.

He heads to the bathroom to take a shower. "I heated some water for you in the bucket" i told him before he went in.
"It's off again?" He turns around leaning on the door frame.
"Yes, again"
He walks close to me and signals at my ear
"What?" I asked confused

He leans towards the side of my cheek "to the best wife in the world, thank you" he places a kiss on the side of my face and leaves. I stood there flustered, with my hand over the place he kissed. "You make it hard not to hug you" he mumbled turned around.

When he says things like this, I feel my heart palpitate. I never expect what he would do because his face expressions tend to be so unreadable.

The warmth my body felt right now was enough to make me forget how i trembled beneath the cold water in the afternoon. I thought that to have warm water everyday would be a luxury but to have a man like Abbas that was a bigger luxury.

This time I was quiet during the meal. I realized I don't know much about Abbas. I've shared so many stories with him and watched him listen but I haven't listened to the stories he carries. Only in moments does he share something about his childhood. I wanted him to reach out to me and tell me what bothers him. Even the scars on his body he doesn't complain or talk about only when I ask.

"Is everything okay" Abbas looks up at me while he's eating
"Yeah, how was your day?" I replied, but all that's going through my mind is wanting to hear all the little details of his life.
I always thought I should let these things come naturally but it's been a year and I still don't know much about him. I can't help my stubborn curiosity
clack !
i look up to see Abbas put his spoon down and his gaze was intensely focused on me
"Did anyone upset you today?" I want to say yes you! But he hasn't done anything to hurt me
"no , why do you think that?"
"Because you've been twirling the spoon in the soup for a while yet i haven't seen the spoon enter your mouth at all "
"i don't feel that hungry today"

He moves closer to my side of the sofra intertwining my hand with his. Concern filled his forest hazel eyes and I was lured into them. He lays a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.

Why is he acting so cute when it's my fault for being petty? He hasn't done anything at all. Now I'm even angrier. I lift up my left hand and run it through his dark soft hair. His gaze focused on me.

"It's weird when you don't speak. You're always talking I've gotten too used to hearing your voice" he said softly

"But i haven't gotten used to hearing yours, I want to hear your voice more" somehow his eyes made me speak the words i held back in my mind. I looked at his face to see his reaction. He let out a sigh of relief and gleamed. Sensing that there wasn't a big issue other than me wanting more of him, he wrapped my palm around the side of his face

"Anything you want ya rouhi"
Rouhi=my soul

"I want to know about your past, the moments you cherish forever and the wounds you can't forget," I said
"And i promise I will tell you everything as long as you stay beside me" he said sincerely
"I promise i will"
we both made promises that only the almighty knows if we can keep or not.

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