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seriously, what did i do for her to act like this! did I do something or say something wrong. no way all I did was take her to the hospital. I ran my hand through my hair, agitated and perplexed watching Hadiya being stubborn and refusing my help. she lays the bucket close to her and lies down on the sofa.

"Did I do something?" I kneel down on the ground gazing at her as she turns her head away moving her lips to the side

she squeezes water out of the towel, I grab the towel out of her hand and she tried to pull it away but I tugged on it harder.
"I'm fine, I can take care of myself I wouldn't want you to miss your work for me," she says sarcastically. crap! i said that. I shouldn't have said it like that, I place the towel over her head

"That's not what I meant when I said that," I leaned in closer staring at her eyes before she looks the other way again
"I was just worried, I didn't want anything bad happening to you"
"Don't worry I'll make sure I'm in perfect health and you can be on your way" she says keeping her gaze away from me

I remove the towel again and wet it. I'm such an idiot.

"I know, no I don't know, I mean" I stop talking trying to put my thoughts together into a proper sentence
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for you to understand it that way, I was worried and didn't control the words coming from my lips but even those words weren't meant as anything bad I just don't want anything bad happening to you, you get sick so easily"
"I'm sorry Hadiya"
she doesn't respond I continue replacing the towel and changing the bucket of water until her temperature returns back to normal.

"don't do that Hadiya, don't ignore me"
I lean over and place my lips on her forehead to check her temperature

"What are you doing?"
"This method is more reliable to feel your temperature"

"Won't you get sick this way?" Hadiya says covering her mouth so that her breath won't reach me

"i don't care if I do if it means you'll keep staring at me " she was looking at me again.

Hadiya blushes and her pale face quickly reddens
"Is your temperature rising again, why are your cheeks so red, this isn't too good," i said placing my palm around her face and caressing it

"maybe I have to check using the more reliable method," i said with a wider smile filling

"No I'm fine, it just got hot all of a sudden but it's not anymore"
"Should I remove some blankets off of you"

"No, I'm still cold," she says, holding tight onto the blanket "are you doing this on purpose?"
"Doing what? checking your temperature"

Hadiya turns around and pulls the blanket over her head. she was hiding and it was adorable
"What are you doing? This won't help you get better" i pull the blanket off her head and she covers her face with her hands

"Give it back, please"
I'll give it to you after you forgive me

"I forgive you, now give me the blanket" she says scuffing

"Not like that, I'm really sorry Hadiya I didn't mean what I said I was just worried and it came out in the spur of the moment"

"I know its okay, i forgive you" she replies back genuinely "now give me the blanket" she says pulling the blanket quickly out of my grip. i don't know why but now i feel like teasing her. "that's not how you apologize, look at me when you do"

"no," she says and I see her finger clutching on the blanket. i really want to tease her now. i pull harder on the blanket, 'don't do this Hadiya, look at me"


"I'm just cold that's why"

"But then this won't help you get better, let me help" I pull the blanket off of her

"Noo, I'm fine don't" Hadiya replies tugging at the blanket

"Okay, I'm going to take the water to the kitchen," i stomp my feet to pretend i left, she lowers the blanket and i chuckle at her childish behavior. she hides again

"I thought you were going to the kitchen," she says embarrassed
"I am but I wanted to see your eyes before I go"

i decide to cook for her. ever since I got married I can't remember the last time I cooked on my own. I make dua for my mother while cooking remembering how she taught me to make a meal that's actually edible.

i hear footsteps in the room and look over watching Hadiya braid her hair. Her stomach growls and she places her hand over it. i pour some shourba into a bowl and take some for her

"Hadiya, Did you fix your hair?" i said pretending to now know

"I just braided it, it was getting too hot with it all over my face"
"Why didn't you tell me, I would've fixed it for you?"
"You know how to braid hair?"
"No, but I'll learn with your hair"

she looked down and I bring the spoon to her mouth "say bismiallah"

"bismillah" she said eating and a smile flashes on her face

"Mhmmm, it's really good, masha'allah" She sits up better and tries to take the spoon away.

"no, don't ill feed you" I pull the spoon away
"I didn't know you can cook this good" she said

"You married a chef," i said proudly. I was so glad she liked it, I had never cooked for someone unless it was for me and my mother. i felt my neck get red at this compliment

"and this chef didn't bother telling me how good his food is"
"I prefer yours better, your hands add a different flavor," i said pulling her hand and kissing it.
"What else do you know how to do?" She asked curiously
"First eat and then I'll tell you or otherwise feeding my wife would be something I can't do."
"But .." before she could finish the sentence i stuffed a spoon full of shourba in her mouth.
"For now, just focus on getting better and tomorrow I'll let you know my other skills and you tell me yours"

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