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Two weeks later, a civil war was announced and they began recruiting more soldiers. Anybody 18 years and older was encouraged to join. Abbas continued to train Hadiya.

After the training...

"You know you're better than half my soldiers"

"Lies," I muttered breathing heavily.

"I'm not, you really are incredible, I'm contemplating if i should bring you with me and leave half the soldiers here instead" he says and one side of his lips arch up.

"Shukran my generous leader," I said

"For what my well trained assassin ?" he rasies one of his eyebrows

"For taking the time to teach me" but mostly I was grateful that he wanted to help strengthen me so that I could protect myself so that I wouldn't rely on anyone else for help.

"Hadiya you never have to thank me, if anything I'm sorry I have to leave and I'm sorry that I barely had any time to spend with you lately"

"Abbas if I never have to thank you then you never have to apologize to me for things that you can't control"

He pulls me up and we ride the horses home. "Kassi seems to really like you now"

"I like him more now too"

There was silence for a little I didn't want to know when Abbas was leaving but I wanted to be ready

"Abbas?" I said as the sounds of the horses galloping echoed


"How many more days?"

Abbas looked down and said in a low voice "two days". For the rest of the road, we continued in silence, two days, such a small number.

we hear an echo of a bombing somewhere as if it was a reminder that he has to leave and that I can't do anything about it.

Fast forward to the last day ...

Me and abbas decided not to train today, instead, we watched the moon. We sat there quietly, for the most part, I didn't know what to say but I felt like this silence was enough. just being with him was enough.

"Hadiya" abbas says breaking the silence, I turn my gaze towards him. He furrows his eyebrows pulling me closer to him. He hesitates momentarily "don't marry another guy"

I stood there and my jaw dropped. I was taken back, what an idiot I thought to myself. A big fool.

"Please," he says again looking down at me, and I realized I didn't reply.

"Come closer" he does as I say and I signal for him to get lower, he bends his knees awkwardly, my lip curled up into a smile.

"Knock on my rib cage and ask if it would let another man in" he knocks on my chest gently

"Now listen carefully" he leans in putting his head on my chest for a while and then looks up at me

"Had it been someone else my heart wouldn't have been offended but it's you asking such an absurd question"

He pulls me in closer wrapping his arms around me, my body stiffened and my head fell on his chest, as his scent filled my lungs, this, this is my home I thought to myself. I held the tears back. I cleared my throat "I have something for you, wait here" I slowly wriggle out of his embrace, I run inside and take a red ribbon, I wipe away some of my tears, I can't let him see me cry like this. I walk out to the roof and my eyes lock with his beautiful hazel eyes. He looks at me tilting his head. "Close your eyes" he closes them and I wrap the red ribbon around his jeans. "Okay open now" he looks down at his hips and sees the red ribbon.

A silent cryWhere stories live. Discover now