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I didn't realize I had fell asleep I wake up shaken by the movement felt, Abbas was carrying me I lean in closer and hold tight

"Abbas it's fine I can walk by myself"

"I know you can but is there anything wrong with me wanting to carry my wife?"

I looked at him dazed and mesmerized, this man has literally swept me off of my feet. I couldn't remember a time I trusted someone like this, He left his work and stuck by me. I owe him for that, I owe him for getting me away from my aunt. He gently drops me on the bed not a single sign of fatigue across his face. He pulls the covers over me and lays beside me I pull the blanket over him "You'll get a cold then it will be two of us".

"I won't get cold, because just being around you warms me up" he says with a mischievous smile.

What a flirt, I examine his features, his light hazel eyes, his dark brown hair gently pushed down on his forehead. His perfectly round nose aligned with his jaw. His thick but arched eyebrows.

"What are you thinking about?" Abbas asks grabbing my palm


"You only fiddle with your fingers like that when you're thinking of something... or someone," he says holding both my palms which fit perfectly in his hand, he starts making circles with his finger over my palm and for some reason it warmed me up.



"I've known you for a year now and yet I hardly know you"

"Do you trust me?"

I fell silent, he was changing the topic again

"You don't need to answer yet but just know that in order to trust someone or love them it's never about how much time you've spent with them often times it's about how you feel towards them, our hearts tend to feel things we don't see or hear. That's why we follow that feeling, it tends to be stronger than what we can make sense of"

I nod my head, of course, I trust him!

"What do you want to know about me?"

"Like what's your favorite hobby, what did you do when you were young, how were you in school, what kind of friends did you hang out with, were you a trouble maker or a teacher's pet?" I felt excited, I want to know these things about him

"I'll tell you everything but you have to halaf (swear) you will answer mine!" He says with a grin

"But they have to be reasonable" I said

"Okay" he responds and whispers beneath his breath but my scale of reason is different than yours.

"Deal then, but I asked first so you answer mine"

"Okay, I like archery, sword fighting and horse riding. Like most guys do, when I was young, I don't remember much I'll tell you when I do"

"Come on not even one thing"

"Sometimes I used to go to the mountains when i would walk to school, I used to like walking by the river before going"

"Fine but you'll have to tell me more"

"Whatever you want يا عسل" (honey), I wasn't the best at school, I had a lot of failing grades, I liked to read but I only had a few books, my friends, I didn't have a lot of friends, I didn't get along well with many"

"But you're respected by the whole town"  I said in disbelief

"Yeah now but back then things were different"

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