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Hadiya bint athman? I looked at him unable to restrain the smile that crept on my face
  "أموت فيكي "
(I love you to death aka amoot fayki)
He whispers and runs his hand across my waist and places a kiss near my ear "you're beautiful, incredibly beautiful" he whispers on the side of my neck sending shivers down my spine. I felt my body melt. "come let's head inside" he picks me up and walks into the room. In the middle of the night, someone came and he had to leave urgently. I run my hand across the space where he slept and switched my pillow with his. I lean my head on his pillow and bury my face into it. It radiated his earthly bakhoor aroma. I breathe it in and let myself fall asleep as if he was there beside me.

In the morning, I start to think about last night, I wondered why he left so urgently and if there was anything bad going on. when he came home I decided that after we eat i'll ask him if anything is going on. I start cleaning the sufra after dinner (something many middle eastern people eat on) and brooming the floor.

"Are you cleaning?" Abbas comes from behind me

" Yee..."Before I could finish he lifts me up, placing me over his shoulder and dropping me on the couch.

"What are you —"
he places his head on my lap and lays down quietly. his face is filled with exhaustion and he closes his eyes for a moment and just rests there. I run my finger through his almond-colored hair.

"I just want to stay like this, maybe even forever, just me and you, as long as I can see your honey drizzled eyes, and those soft harissa-colored curls." he wraps one of my curls around his finger and plays with it. I blush at the comparison of harissa to my hair.

"What's bothering you?"
He lets out a sigh and closes his eyes again " there's a group revolting against the government they're called the Hadid, we finally found out where they're residing but once we got there they were gone"
"The Hadid?!" I said shocked that they were back
"Yeah, have you heard of them?"
"When I was young, I never got to know my father. I don't know what type of man he was or how he looked but my mother said that he was brave beyond imagination and that he was very clever, but one day a group of men came to our house claiming to be police, she never heard from him again, they don't know if he died or if he was able to run away but one thing was for sure those group of men weren't associated with the police and news came out that they went by the name Hadid. I'm not sure if that means it's the same group or if they went silent for a while because they were recruiting men"

"You think they've been planning this out for that long now?" Abbas exclaimed raising one eyebrow

"Maybe, back then they didn't admit it outright that they were the Hadid they claimed to be cops"

"If what you're saying, turns out to be what they've been up to, then we're going to be dealing with a great problem" he pauses "maybe even a civil war"

"Insha'Allah Khair" (Khair meaning hopefully only good occurs)

"Insha'Allah" he replies

He hesitates as if he wants to say something.
"What's on your mind?" I asked seeing the obvious hesitation

"Do you know how to ride a horse?"  I roll my eyes at his dumb question
"Of course I do, how can I live here and not know how to ride"
"Have you ever held a sword?" I realized his tone was more serious
"No, are you going to teach me?" Abbas raises his head sitting up beside me.
"Get dressed, I'm going to take you somewhere to practice"
it was a very sudden request but at the same time I've always wanted  to hold a sword, I felt my heart flipping inside my chest. I quickly prepare myself, heading out I see a beautiful chocolate-colored horse with incredibly light honey eyes. It looked similar to Abbas's horse but it was smaller.
"Who's this?" I asked gesturing at the horse. Abbas rubs the back of his neck awkwardly
"I didn't know whether you knew how to ride or not and bought it before I asked you so I was going to just leave it outside until I found out"
I couldn't help but laugh "were you going to return it had I said no"
" maybe"
He would've lost half its price trying to sell it.
"Do you like it?"
It was fully black. I was kind of scared remembering how my mother said fully black animals tend to be possessed by jinn but he was embarrassed enough and it was pretty.
"Yes she's really pretty"
"It's actually a he," he says
"You got me a male horse?"
"Yes but it's very well trained, don't worry male horses might seem rude at first but once you get to know them more they're actually very accepting and kind"
"I'll take your word for it"
He helps me mount the horse and at first, I was holding on for my dear life. I couldn't say I'm scared now, not after I told him I knew how to ride.

I almost fall to the side when he pushes me up with his arm from next to me.
"I'm right here" he assures me riding his horse bedsides mine
"Where are we going?" I asked
"I'll show you, are you familiar with the horse more?"

" Yeah, I think he's being a little grumpy because I didn't name him" abbas glanced at me curiously

"what are you thinking of calling him?"

"hmm I think (قاسي) kassi"

"are you calling him tough?" Abbas asks flexing his arms while holding the reigns of the horse

"I like that word, and I think it matches him, he likes it too, look he's smiling" abbas shakes his head

"what? I think I saw him smile" I joke around not even capable of seeing any of the horse's features from the back

"he didn't"

"don't listen to him Kassi he's just jealous"

kassi neighs and it felt like he was agreeing with me "good boy Kassi" I said brushing his neck
"Whats the name of your horse since you think mine is funny?"

"This boy here, his name is Rad" he says speeding up
(Rad  رعد  = thunder)

How is he making fun of me for calling my horse tough when his is called thunder. "Kassi is better"

"Maybe to you, but mine also lives up to his name" he glances at me and smirks "watch"  

he pulls the horse's reins and it dashes at a remarkable speed. I do the same with Kassi and hold on tight to him. I felt the wind wrap itself around me and find its way into my lungs. I forgot how amazing it had felt to ride a horse. I pull the reins again catching up to abbas and attempting to pass him. He glances over at me and I give him a competitive look, he smiles mischievously, increasing his speed.

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