12 | Call Your Mom

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I wrapped up my call with my friends and decided I wanted to get a snack. I left the room and as I was walking down the hall I heard Oliver talking to someone.

"I dunno Mum, but he seems a lot happier now than he was before."

I walked behind Oliver who was FaceTiming his and Lando's mother.

"Oh my goodness, is that her? Can I meet her?"

Oliver turned to me, "My mum wants to meet you."

I smiled, "I heard that. Of course!"

I walked back over to Oliver so I was standing behind the couch he was on.

"Hello dear, I'm Cisca, this cranky boy's mother." She said, beaming at me.

"Hi Cisca, I'm Cami, the other cranky one's... well, I don't know yet." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh Lando," Cisca said under her breath, "so oblivious sometimes."

Oliver let out a laugh, "It's true. My brother invites you on a trip but hasn't even talked to you about 'what you are'."

"Well I wouldn't put it all on him, I didn't actually think about it until just now." I said, earning a laugh from Cisca.

"Ok, we'll I won't keep you long, Adam and I would love to have you over sometime to get to know you." Cisca suggested.

"Sure." I said with a smile. "That would be lovely."

"Okay, I'll tell Lando to give you my number and we can figure something out!" Cisca said beaming.

"Sounds perfect!"

"Okay, I'll let you go." Cisca said, shooing me away.

I laughed, "Okay. It was lovely meeting you." I turned to walk away.

"You as well!" Cisca yelled after me.

I smiled as I walked back down the hall to the room. After a moment I heard Cisca say to Oliver, "You didn't tell me she was American."

I was closing the door when I heard Oliver's response, "I didn't think you would believe me."

. . .

"Why did my mom just text me and tell me I needed to send you her number?" Lando asked as I walked out from the bathroom, drying my hair.

He leaned back against the headboard of the bed, his shirt still off from the shower he had taken right before me.

"Oh, yeah, guess I forgot to tell you. She asked if I would want to go over to the house to meet her and your dad sometime." I said as I flopped down on the bed.

"And you said...?" Lando prompted.

"Yes. I said yes." I said, making Lando smile. "Your mom is super nice."

"I know," Lando said, "and she seems to love you too. When did you two talk anyway."

"While you were in the shower. Oliver was on a call with her." I said as I watched Lando scroll through his Instagram.

"Oh, God, I'm such an awful son, I haven't called her since we got here." He said.

"Well, nothing's stopping you." I said looking up at him.

"Actually, I think there is," Lando said, "and she's staring right at me."

I leaned in and gave Lando a kiss. We broke away and leaned our foreheads against one another as we both smiled. After a moment, I patted his leg and pulled away, "Call your mom."

. . .

"What time's the party?" I asked Lando as I flopped down on the couch beside him. We had gotten back from the boat an hour before.

"We're gonna head over there at 7:00." He said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Okay." I said nuzzling closer to him. "I'm pretty tired."

"Me too." He said, kissing the top of my head.

I smiled at him, and he asked, "What do you wanna watch?"

"Dunno. Whatever is fine." I said.

Lando laughed, "Well what do you normally watch when you can't think of anything."

I cringed at my answer before I'd even said it, "F1 stuff."

"You're weird." Lando said, bursting into laughter.

"See!" I said, "This is why I told you whatever you wanted was fine."

"You're cute when you get defensive." Lando said after he stopped laughing, a huge smile still plastered on his face.

"You two make me sick." A voice said behind us. I turned around and saw Max standing there.

"Come on mate, you can choose what we watch." Lando said, handing Max the remote.

"Thank you." Max sang as he plucked the remote out of Lando's hand. "Finally come to our senses, I see. Admitting I have the better taste in shows?"

"No." Lando said, "We just don't know what to watch."

"God," Max said, "You're no fun."

. . .

"Hey." I was woken by kisses on my forehead. I opened my eyes and found Lando smiling.

"We're gonna head out in a few. I wanted to give you a chance if you wanted to tag along, but you were out cold, so I wasn't sure you wanted to just sleep." He said with a smile.

I put my hand on his cheek and closed my eyes again, "I think it's sleep." I said. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Lando said, "I'll try to be quick at the party so I can come back and be with you. I'm pretty knackered too." He leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of my head, then picked me up and brought me to our bed.

"Bye bye." I said quietly with a big grin on my face.

Lando laughed, "Bye. Be back soon."

. . .

"She's not coming," Lando explained to his friends, "too tired."

"Understandable." Max said. "I feel like I'm barely keeping my eyes open, myself."

The guys nodded in agreement.

"I guess it's settled then," Oliver said, "we're going to show our faces, talk a little, and head home."

When they got to the party, Lando felt like he was just being passed around to take photos and talk to people. He thought it was probably good Cami didn't come because she'd probably be left kind of alone.

After a half an hour or so, his brother pushed through the crowd that was around him, "Lando, we're leaving."

Lando excused himself from the group and walked off with his brother, thanking him for pulling him out of there.

When the boys got home, they all went straight to their rooms. Lando opened the door to his room slowly, trying not to wake Cami. He thought he was successful until he changed and was about to climb into bed, then Cami opened her arms for him to climb into.

"Sorry I woke you." He said.

"Don't be." Cami answered, her eyes still closed. Lando felt Cami drift back to sleep, he could feel her steady heartbeat on his back. Not too long after, Lando's eyes slowly shut.

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